HOA Board Meeting Agenda 5.13.24
The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2024 on Monday, May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm at the home of Myra Whiting (President) at 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
HOA Board Meeting Agenda 5.13.24
The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2024 on Monday, May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm at the home of Myra Whiting (President) at 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
HOA Board Meeting 4.1.24
The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2024 on Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 5:30 pm at the home of Myra Whiting (President) at 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
Sea Links HOA 1st Quarterly Meeting Minutes 1.13.24
Start – 8:00 am 1.13.24
Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer) DIana Fisher (Member at Large)
Proof of Notice of Meeting
Board Expectations and Responsibilities:
Committee Assignment:
(should send out an email to see if any of the residents would like to serve on one of the three committees)
Treasurer Report (Pat) :
Secretary Report (Donna)
Bank Signing:
Mailbox and Storage Change
Flag Update:
AUD Rental Update:
Front Gate Flagpole Light
Mowing Contract:
Design Request – Drainage
Quarterly Newsletter:
Next Meeting:
Close Meeting – Motion to adjourn made by Myra Whiting, 2nd by Pat Achey at 10:30 am
Annual General Meeting for the Sea Links Community 12.16.2023
Call to Order/Roll Call
The Annual General meeting for the Sea Links Community Association was called to order at 9:15am. The meeting was held at North Bay Christ the King Community Church, 4895 Birch Bay Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230.
Board Members Present: Karla Savage (President), Tamara Addis (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer), and Shannon Dunn (Member at Large).
Quorum established: 29 in person, 11 proxies = 40 total
Proof of Notice of Meeting
Initial proof of notice posted on website November 27, 2023. Packets were mailed out November 22, 2023.
Agenda Approval
Karla Savage (President) makes motion to approve agenda. Motion seconded by Shirley Sell and Pat Achey.
Approve: 28
Review and approval for 2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Tamara Addis (Secretary) to approve 2022 AGM Meeting minutes; motion was seconded unanimously.
Presidents Welcome
Karla Savage (President) welcomes all homeowners to the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Thanks them for attending and stresses that the community is in need for volunteers to step up and volunteer for the board. Also gives a slight overview of what it would mean if the association should need to hire a management company.
Board of Director Reports
Presidents Report
Overview of tasks accomplished in 2023, speed bump painting, front gate side fencing replaced, Reserve Study Completed in February 2023. Continued communications and conversations with RHINO Development, golf course owners regarding use and Mt. Baker Blues Festival that was a success and didn’t negatively impact our community. The importance of volunteering to support our community by serving on the board. And the potential cost of hiring a property management company and what that would mean to homeowner’s dues.
Treasurers Report
Review of all financial reports for 2022-2023 for both main account and reserve accounts. Reviewed the projected 2023-2024 Annual Operating budget. Discussed the big boost received from putting our money into larger interest-bearing CD, we earned 4% in 2023. We have the option to roll the money over for another 14 months and ear 5 1/3% interest for 2024-2025 and discussed the penalty should it need to be taken out early.
Budget Ratification
Pat Achey (Treasurer) made motion to approve the budget, it was approved unanimously. A motion was also made to waive the audit and that was also waived unanimously.
Committee Reports
Grounds & Maintenance- well maintained by Birch Bay Lawn Care, speed bump painting was completed and are more visible.
Design Control – had dozens of improvement request from new roofs & fencing to yard and property beautifications. Some tree removal and community care of the drains.
Election of Directors
We had one homeowner volunteer for a board position prior to the meeting, LaVonne Kranz. However, this homeowner was not in attendance at the meeting. We had 4 homeowners volunteer for the board. We took individual votes, and they were all voted in unanimously.
They will fill the following positions:
Myra Whiting – Position 2 (two-year term)
Donna Chavarro – Position 4 (two-year term)
Diana Fisher – Position 3 (1 year term)
Darrel Hildebrand – Position 5 (1 year term)
Pat Achey will remain in Position 1 and complete his term in December 2024.
New Business/Open Forum
Get an electrician out to remove the power from the light pole at the main gate. Concerns of storm drains throughout community, conversations about the size of the drainpipes, if they are large enough and potential solutions to be explored with new board.
The topic of flags was discussed because there have been a handful of homeowners flying flags other than the US Flag. The verbiage of the Flag Rule under Rules & Regulations was changed by the board for clarification which was their right to do pursuant to RCW 64.38.025(1) it provides in part that except as providing in governing documents, the board of directors shall act in all instances on behalf of the association. The Amended and Restated Bylaws, at Section 4.4(a), specifies that the Association may, through its Board of Director: “(a) Adopt and Amend the Rules and Regulations (which is where the flag rule is posted) and, subject to the provisions of Section 10 hereof, adopt and amend Bylaws for the Association.
Thus, per RCW 64.38.025(1) and Section 4.4(a) of the Amended and Restated Bylaws, the Board has the unilateral authority to act on behalf of the Association in adopting and changing Rules and Regulation. Nothing in the governing documents or the statute provide otherwise.
This was all clarified by the Sea Links Association Attorney, Greg Thulin.
This information was read at the meeting for clarification to homeowners who disputed the rule and were fined for flying something other than the American flag.
The empty lots on East Golf Course Drive are up for auction.
With no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:35am.
Annual General Meeting for the Sea Links Community – December 16, 2023
Where: North Bay Christ the King
4895 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230
Call to Order/Roll Call
The Annual General meeting for the Sea Links Community Association was called to order at 9:15am. The meeting was held at North Bay Christ the King Community Church, 4895 Birch Bay Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230.
Board Members Present: Karla Savage (President), Tamara Addis (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer), and Shannon Dunn (Member at Large).
Quorum established: 29 in person, 11 proxies = 40 total
Proof of Notice of Meeting
Initial proof of notice posted on website November 27, 2023. Packets were mailed out November 22, 2023.
Agenda Approval
Karla Savage (President) makes motion to approve agenda. Motion seconded by Shirley Sell and Pat Achey.
Approve: 28
Review and approval for 2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Tamara Addis (Secretary) to approve 2022 AGM Meeting minutes; motion was seconded unanimously.
Presidents Welcome
Karla Savage (President) welcomes all homeowners to the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Thanks them for attending and stresses that the community is in need for volunteers to step up and volunteer for the board. Also gives a slight overview of what it would mean if the association should need to hire a management company.
Board of Director Reports
Presidents Report
Overview of tasks accomplished in 2023, speed bump painting, front gate side fencing replaced, Reserve Study Completed in February 2023. Continued communications and conversations with RHINO Development, golf course owners regarding use and Mt. Baker Blues Festival that was a success and didn’t negatively impact our community. The importance of volunteering to support our community by serving on the board. And the potential cost of hiring a property management company and what that would mean to homeowner’s dues.
Treasurers Report
Review of all financial reports for 2022-2023 for both main account and reserve accounts. Reviewed the projected 2023-2024 Annual Operating budget. Discussed the big boost received from putting our money into larger interest-bearing CD, we earned 4% in 2023. We have the option to roll the money over for another 14 months and ear 5 1/3% interest for 2024-2025 and discussed the penalty should it need to be taken out early.
Budget Ratification
Pat Achey (Treasurer) made motion to approve the budget, it was approved unanimously. A motion was also made to wave the audit and that was also waved unanimously.
Committee Reports
Grounds & Maintenance- well maintained by Birch Bay Lawn Care, speed bump painting was completed and are more visible.
Design Control – had dozens of improvement request from new roofs & fencing to yard and property beautifications. Some tree removal and community care of the drains.
Election of Directors
We had one homeowner volunteer for a board position prior to the meeting, LaVonne Kranz. However, this homeowner was not in attendance at the meeting. We had 4 homeowners volunteer for the board. We took individual votes, and they were all voted in unanimously.
They will fill the following positions:
Myra Whiting – Position 2 (two-year term)
Donna Chavarro – Position 4 (two-year term)
Diana Fisher – Position 3 (1 year term)
Darrel Hildebrand – Position 5 (1 year term)
Pat Achey will remain in Position 1 and complete his term in December 2024.
New Business/Open Forum
Get an electrician out to remove the power from the light pole at the main gate. Concerns of storm drains throughout community, conversations about the size of the drainpipes, if they are large enough and potential solutions to be explored with new board.
The topic of flags was discussed because there have been a handful of homeowners flying flags other than the US Flag. The verbiage of the Flag Rule under Rules & Regulations was changed by the board for clarification which was their right to do pursuant to RCW 64.38.025(1) it provides in part that except as providing in governing documents, the board of directors shall act in all instances on behalf of the association. The Amended and Restated Bylaws, at Section 4.4(a), specifies that the Association may, through its Board of Director: “(a) Adopt and Amend the Rules and Regulations (which is where the flag rule is posted) and, subject to the provisions of Section 10 hereof, adopt and amend Bylaws for the Association.
Thus, per RCW 64.38.025(1) and Section 4.4(a) of the Amended and Restated Bylaws, the Board has the unilateral authority to act on behalf of the Association in adopting and changing Rules and Regulation. Nothing in the governing documents or the statute provide otherwise.
This was all clarified by the Sea Links Association Attorney, Greg Thulin.
This information was read at the meeting for clarification to homeowners who disputed the rule and were fined for flying something other than the American flag.
The empty lots on East Golf Course Drive are up for auction.
With no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:35am.
We are having a Board Meeting to get official approval for the cost to repair the gates. It will be this Monday night, January 29th, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the home of HOA President Myra Whiting, 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
First Quarterly Meeting for the Sea Links Community.
The first Quarterly Board Meeting of 2024 will be on Saturday, January 13th, 2024 at 8:00 am at the home of Myra Whiting, 7961 W Golf Course Dr
Annual General Meeting for the Sea Links Community.
North Bay Christ the King
4895 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230
December 16, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Doors open at 8:45am)
Proxy Voting:
Have your Proxy votes in by: December 10, 2023
There will be a Board Meeting on 10/02/2023 at 7:00 pm at the home of Karla Savage, 7909 W Golf Course Dr.
There will be a Board Meeting on 7/27/2023 at 6:30 pm at the home of Karla Savage, 7909 W Golf Course Dr.