HOA Board Meeting Minutes 5.13.24

HOA Board Meeting minutes – May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum of 5 Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), and Diana Fisher (Member at Large), Christine Ordal (Treasurer)

Begin Meeting

  • Initial proof of notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website May 9, 2024.
  • Called to order at 5:40 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
  • 1 resident attended.

Meeting Minutes Approved 

  • We will approve minutes more quickly and post them sooner for residents to know what was talked about.

Treasurer Status Report and Cash Flow

  • Welcome New Treasurer – Christine Ordal (T) – for the interim. Until Oct 2024 when there will be 3 positions open on the Board. (VP, T & Member)
  • Michelle – she will give us the up-to-date financials soon. There are no past due notices this week.

Wedgewood Court Storm Drain

  • No new updates yet. Darrel (VP) will get the quote from Mike – as we would like the work done this summer before any more flooding in the fall.

Sawgrass Asphalt

  • NW Asphalt Repair was the last company that did our repairs. We can also see if they do any patches… as there may be some needed on North and East. Darrel (VP) will follow up to get a bid.
  • Sea Links Drive – the road coming in the front gate – we maintain 100% of the road.
  • May need to check the reserve study to look at the timeline for fixing the asphalt on the different roads.

New Build – Lot 13

  • No new news. Myra (P) will email the builder to let him know and remind him: of the regulations for build, get his plans, what he owes to start, and find out his timeline for starters. She will also remind him that he needs to keep the lot mowed.


  • The Newsletter went out reminding residents of possible violations (mostly in regard to the storage of garbage cans and recycle bins being visible from the street, and on street parking for longer than 24 hours).
  • The HOA will do another drive around and check on the list of violators. Those that are still not in compliance will get their 1st warning letter. 

Community Clean Up & BBQ – Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

  • Myra (P) will make a flyer (with all the info) for all residents regarding our upcoming “Community Clean Up and BBQ” on June 22nd. The Board each took a section of the neighborhood – so they could deliver the flyers to each house.
  • We will have a trailer for the clean-up and a place to dump the yard waste and yard clippings not far from here.
  • The BBQ will be in Wedgewood Ct and there will be hotdogs and chips served. Just bring a drink and a chair if you want. It will be a great time to mingle and meet your Sea Links neighbors.

Garage Sale Saturday July 27, 2024, from 8am – 1pm (Rain or Shine)

  • Diana (Member) would like to put an ad out in the Northern Light and the Herald about the Sea Links Garage Sale on 7/27 from 8-1.
  • We would like to use road signs, arrows and cones to help with traffic for garage sale go-ers that day. Parking on one side and going one way – may facilitate the traffic.

New Business

  • All emails that were received for requests and any changes made for the resident’s home – were followed up by Myra and the Design committee.

Welcome Packet

  • We would like to update and make copies of a “Welcome Packet” for new residents. It would be helpful for them to know where to get the information on the website and what the CC&R’s are as well as the Rules & Regulations.
  • Donna (S) still has her packet from when she moved into Sea Links in 2019. She will share it with the Board, and they can update it for new residents.

Committee to update Governing Documents

  • We have a group consisting of 3 Board Members and a couple of residents to undergo making recommendations to the attorney to update the CC&R’s and the Rules & Regulations. Our attorney said that it will take over a year to update and bring it into this century.

Website Cleanup

  • Donna (S) will follow up to get the website cleaned up.

Adjournment of Meeting

  • Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 12th at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm. Diana (M) proposed and Donna (S) second it. All approved.


HOA Board Meeting Agenda 5.13.24

HOA Board Meeting Agenda 5.13.24

The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2024 on Monday, May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm at the home of Myra Whiting (President) at 7961 W Golf Course Dr.


Meeting Minutes Approved
Treasurer Status Report and Cash Flow
Wedgewood Court Storm Drain
Sawgrass Asphalt
New Build Lot 13
Community Clean Up
Garage Sale
New Business
Welcome Packet
Committee to update Governing Documents
Website Cleanup

Sea Links at Birch Bay – Second Quarter 2024 Newsletter

First Quarter is behind us, and we are looking forward to some community activities planned for this summer.

Upcoming Events:

Community Cleanup and BBQ – Saturday June 22nd 10am-Noon

    • Since we are unable to find a company to sweep our streets, we are proposing a Community Clean Up followed by a Community BBQ.  
    • Clean up Saturday June 22nd 10am-Noon Asking residents to sweep curb  and street in front of their homes and assist neighbors who are unable to participate. Dump Trailer will be available to dispose of yard debris.
    • Board hosted BBQ of hot dogs and chips from Noon-2pm Wedgewood Court. Bring your chair and beverage and get to know our neighbors.

    Community Garage Sale – Saturday July 27th 8am-1pm.

      • If you are interested in serving on the planning committee, please email the board at sealinksboard@gmail.com

      Pat Achey resigned as Treasurer effective April 1, 2024. Chris Ordal will be the interim Treasurer until the General Meeting in October 2024. Welcome Chris and thank you for volunteering to fill this volunteer position.

      The Board did a neighborhood drive around observing properties for possible violation to our CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations.  We saw a potential 43 violations, the violations mainly consisted of Parking, Storage, Maintenance of Lots, and animals. Homeowners and renters are being given time to resolve the issues before warning letters are sent.  We will do another review of the neighborhood and any violation after May 17, 2024, will receive a warning letter followed by possible fines. All Sea Links Governing Documents can be found at Sealinksbirchbay.org or feel free to contact the board with questions.

      Spring is here, just a few friendly reminders to keep our community looking GOOD!!!

      • Maintenance of Lots – Developed lawns must be mowed 2 times a month. Brush and grass clippings must be removed from Sea Links or deposited in SSC Yard Waste bin. No grass clippings on the street. No plants, lawns, weeds extend beyond the road curb. Sweep debris from roadside curb.
      • Parking – Curbside parking is intended to be used solely for visitors.  Automobiles shall not remain parked curbside for more than 24 consecutive hours and shall not be moved from curbside location to another curbside location. No resident should be parking curbside on a regular basis. Boats, trailers, RVs of any type and inoperable vehicles are not to be parked on the street or driveway at any time.
      • Storage – Inoperable or non-licensed vehicles, appliances, refuse, garbage cans, recreational vehicles, including boats, trailers, motor homes shall not be kept, maintained or stored on any lots unless they are enclosed in a garage, or other screened areas.
      • Fires – Outdoors fires, including wood, trash, debris burning fire pits are not permitted. Outdoor barbecues are permitted in appropriate devices. There will be no initial warning, and the local Fire Department will be called.
      • Animals – Dogs shall be on a leash outside the limits of the dog owner’s lot. Dogs may not be allowed to roam loose, run on other owner’s property or Golf Course property. It is unlawful to keep a dog that frequently, or habitually howls, barks, or otherwise produces loud noises that annoy or disturb other residents. Property owners should contact Whatcom County Humane Society to report owners who have dogs that violate this law.

      HOA Board Meeting Minutes 4.1.24

      Board Meeting Minutes – April 1, 2024 at 5:30 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

      Board Members in Attendance / Quorum of 4 Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), and Diana Fisher (Member at Large) Absent: Pat Achey (Treasurer) 

      Begin Meeting

      • Initial proof of notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website March 29, 2023. 
      • Called to order at 5:33 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
      • Sign in sheet for those 3 residents who attended.

      Treasurer Report

      • Pat’s (T) resignation from the Board – effective today – Myra (P) will be the administrator at Bank
      • Treasurer position: Michelle takes care of billing. 
      • Pat also took care of 2 committees:
        • Design Committee – Myra (P) will take care of this
        • Covenant Committee – Diana (M) and all of us together – will take care of this as a group

      Wedgewood Court

      • Storm drain – figured out the problem – a section of the pipe is crushed and the slope goes the wrong way.
      • Darrel (VP) will follow up to get the quote to fix it – he is still in charge of the Maintenance Committee.

      Sawgrass Asphalt Repair

      • Donna (S) will ask Michelle who we paid to do the last asphalt jobs and give info to Darrel (VP) to follow up and get bid.

      New Build – Lot 13

      • Myra (P) and Darrel (VP) will meet with Builder tomorrow – with all of the paperwork for him to fill out – and the expectations, deposits, fees and regulations that need to be met before any construction can begin.

      Design Control  

      • Tree Removal , House Painting, New Roof: All improvements or changes – residents need to fill out the Design Control Form on the website – that includes all information regarding color swatches for paint, roof materials for construction, and companies hired / used for the job (must be licensed, insured and bonded), etc.
      • Design Control Jobs in the works:
        • Tree Removal – completed – County confirmed that Sea Links does not need county’s approval as we are in our own gated community.
        • New Roof – waiting on paperwork
        • House Paint – waiting on paperwork
        • New Build – waiting on paperwork
        • New Deck – waiting on paperwork
        • New Flagpole – waiting on paperwork

      Mowing Contract

      • We have a new contract with Birch Bay Lawn Care – same company as last year. Their prices were reasonable and it is good until March 2025. 
      • We will request that they pick up garbage before they mow.

      Board Member Liability Insurance Approval

      • State of Washington requires insurance coverage.
      • Received quotes for $500,000 coverage ($1,058/yr.) and $1,000,000 coverage ($1,323/yr).
      • Same insurance company that covers all Sea Links and sends bills to Michelle.
      • Myra (P) proposed and Diana (M) second it for $1,000,000 coverage – all voted and agreed.


      • Newsletter- there will be a newsletter emailed and mailed as a reminder as to what a violation is according to the Sea Links’s CCR’s and R&R’s.
      • Reminders – will give residents a chance to fix the violations until Mid-April.
      • Right now the main violations are:
        • Garage Receptacles and Recycle Bins – they must NOT be seen from the street.
        • On Street Parking – not longer than 24 hours.
        • No construction materials should be seen from the street when not being used.
      • The Board will do another drive around and take pictures – and give warning letters regarding violations.
      • Dog Ownership – Address leash law, roaming dogs, courtesy and picking up after your pet: scoop it, bag it, toss in the garbage

      Gate Codes

      • Donna (S) learned from Tamara (past S) how to update the gate codes for Sea Links. (Thanks, Tamara!)
      • Donna will train the other Board Members how to update the gate codes at another meeting.

      New Business

      • Garage Sale – Diana (M) brought up the idea that we have a garage sale July 27, 2024 (from 8 am -1 pm) and not charge the $5 fee. Myra (P) proposed and Darrel (VP) second it. 100% approved. We will have a Sea Links neighborhood Garage Sale on 7.27.24 from 8-1 (no charge).
      • Sea Links Neighborhood Clean Up & Wedgewood Court BBQ – Myra brought up the idea of a neighborhood clean up and BBQ. The goal is to take care of things in our neighborhood. Diana (M) proposed and Myra (P) second it. 100% approved. We will have more about the Sea Links Neighborhood Clean Up (from 10-12) and Wedgewood Court BBQ (from 12-2) on June 22, 2024.
      • Newsletter and Flyers – coming out this month to remind residents about the rules, regulations as well as violations to avoid.
        • Trash and Recycle receptacles – NOT in sight from street.
        • Reminders about mowing during March-October months.
        • Furry friends in the neighborhood – Reminder: Washington leash law, picking up after your pet, and being courteous to your neighbors with regard to where your dogs relieve themselves (your neighbor’s lawn and/or flower beds are not your dog’s bathroom).
        • On street parking – NOT longer than 24 hours
      • Cascade Natural Gas – more info will be in the newsletter. They will fill attics with more insulation for free – just need to pay the tax.
      • New Treasurer: Christine Ordal, who has attended our HOA meetings, has volunteered to take over the position of Treasurer for 2024 (finishing Pat’s term this year). Myra (P) proposed and Diana (M) second it and all voted in agreement -100% approve. Welcome aboard, Christine!
      • Next Meeting: Monday, May 13th at 5:30 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

      Adjournment of Meeting

      • Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm. Donna (S) proposed and Myra (P) second it. All approved.

      Board Meeting Minutes 3.4.24

      Board Meeting Minutes – March 4, 2024, at 5:30 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

      Board Members in Attendance / Quorum of 4 Established: Myra Whiting (President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer) and Diana Fisher (Member at Large) Absent: Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President)

      Begin Meeting

      • Initial proof of notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website January 26, 2023. 
      • Called to order at 5:30 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
      • Sign in sheet for those who attended.

      Treasurer Report

      • Insurance – Per state law, we need liability insurance for the Board. Pat is getting a quote, and it will be presented at the next meeting. 
      • Cash Flow – nothing new – rely on accountants.
      • Current balance – none at the moment.
      • There was one lien removed.

      Secretary Report

      • Minutes from last meeting (1.29.24) – Myra (P) approved and Diana (M) second it.
      • Emails – Donna (S) forwarded all emails to the other Board Members to be in the know.

      Design Control Committee

      • Storm Water / Storm Drains – 
        • The schematics going North to the big pipe are correct. 
        • Manhole cover in Wedgewood Ct – is empty – concrete.
        • Pat contacted and looked at a couple of people and quotes – need to know – how will it work with elevation difference? How will drain under stress conditions work? What is the issue with the flooding in Wedgewood?
        • Need to determine if the pipe is clear – using a camera.
        • Evidence – there may be a collapsed pipe in the middle. 
        • Need to evaluate and scope the drains for the flooding issues.
        • Estimate: $600 just to check (maybe less $$) to look
        • Depending on the findings and materials needed we need to allocate money to finding the issue and fixing the problem.
        • Pat moves to allocate $3000 to the flooding issue – Myra approves and Diana seconds it.
      • Gate – 
        • the outside is repaired. Seems slower but is operating normal. It was not $6K only $4K – the gate company has probably submitted the invoice by now. 
        • On the entrance side – we need to follow up and let them know.
      • Pending Design Requests –
        • There was a new drawing for a deck extension.

      Maintenance Committee

      • Mowing Contract –
        •  our contract is up. For $6000/yr. – we need more bids – try out a service for 1 month before signing a contract to make sure they do what we need them to do.
      • Sawgrass Asphalt –
        • needs to be done. It was not included in the 2021 paving. We will give this to Darrel – to get a bid to replace it and check if there is also an issue with drainage.

      Covenants Committee

      • Current Violations – 
        • None at the moment
        • Board will do a walk around in nice weather and take pictures.
        • Recommendations according to the R & R’s


      • Dog Ownership – Address leash law, roaming dogs, courtesy and picking up after your pet: scoop it, bag it, toss in the garbage.
      • On Street Parking – not more than 24 hours
      • Yard and Street Clean Up – in the Spring – will plan a spring clean-up.
      • Trash & Recycle Bins – should not be visible from the street.
      • Committees – get some names (can put it in the newsletter)


      • CC+R’s & Bylaws – 
        • Myra (P) met with the Attorney regarding updating the CC+R’s and Bylaws
        • The Attorney will need to meet with the Board to do it – it will cost $6000 and take 1 year to update.
      • Rules & Regulations –
        •  Attorney verified that the Board could approve and does not need homeowners to approve additions to the R+R’s.
      • Welcome pack – 
        • We would like to get this started again to welcome new residents to Sea Links. (Maybe a Welcome letter with links to the website, and email, R+R’s, CC+R’s and Bylaws)
      • Flags – At the moment the R+R’s say:  only the US Flag can be flown, and the flagpole has to meet certain guidelines. For example:
        • Flags/Poles: Flagpoles must be approved by the Design Control Committee prior to construction. Flagpoles must be metal (bronze colored or white aluminum), placed in front or rear yards only, located within the building envelope (i.e. outside of setbacks), are not to exceed 25 feet in height and must have an internal halyard. 
        • We are changing it to include: “Only flags of national origin are allowed”. If you have a flag from your country of origin – you may fly it. This will be posted on the website effective immediately. Diana (M) motioned to approve and Pat (T) second it. All agreed.

      New Business

      • Pat (T) is resigning due to moving. His house will be listed soon. We may need to post for a new treasurer. May need to have a special meeting with volunteers.
      • Community work party in the Spring – clean up the front of our houses on the street.
      • The Golf Course property – Pat was looking into what it would be for Sea Links to take over that land for our community. BUT it has 2 ponds on the property that could be a liability with children, etc.
      • Next Meeting: Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 5:30 pm

      Adjournment of Meeting

      Meeting adjourned at 6:23 pm. Myra (P) motioned & Diana (M) second it.

      HOA Board Meeting 4.1.24

      HOA Board Meeting 4.1.24

      The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2024 on Monday, April 1st, 2024, at 5:30 pm at the home of Myra Whiting (President) at 7961 W Golf Course Dr.


      • Open meeting
      • Last meeting minute approval
      • Treasurer Position
      • Storm Drain Issue – Wedgewood Court
      • Asphalt Issue – Sawgrass
      • New Build – Lot 13
      • Tree Removable
      • House painting
      • New Roofs
      • Mowing contract
      • Liability Insurance Approval
      • Violations
      • Gate Codes
      • New Business

      Board Meeting Minutes 1.29.24

      Board Meeting Minutes – 1.29.24 6:00 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

      Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer) and Diana Fisher (Member at Large)

      Begin Meeting

      • Initial proof of notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website January 26, 2023. 
      • Called to order at 6:00 pm – Myra motioned it and Diana second it.

      Flag – Compliance

      • 2 homeowners spoke on the flying of flags other than just the US flag. They would like to fly their country-of-origin flag. They mentioned that the previous HOA Board changed the wording and rewrote the rules as it said any flag in the 2015 meeting. 
      • Some meeting minutes (regarding the flying of flags) cannot be found online.
      • Myra (President) said that we will look into all of the past issues and history. We asked the homeowners to NOT fly their country’s flag for 30 days while we research and check with our HOA attorney. To be discussed at the next meeting.

      Gate Repair

      • Gateway controls our gate maintenance.
      • There are 3 sensor pads buried in the asphalt – there are 3 loops on the outgoing side: 2 you hit to open the gate and the 3rd keeps it from closing on a vehicle.
      • 1 sensor loop was completely dead and 2 were broken.
      • The cost to repair= $1800 per loop – estimate $5500 – should be good for years 
      • Board 100% approved to allocate $6000 for the Front Gate. To test and evaluate the whole gate (gate sensors in the ground) repair and test the outgoing loops and to test the incoming loops.


      • Pat (Treasurer): Design and Control – house colours and roofs
      • Pat (Treasurer): Covenants 
      • Darrell (VP): Maintenance – Drains and contracts for lawn care and snow plowing.
      • Myra (Pres) & Diana (Member) will assist both Pat & Darrel with the committees.
      • Communication is critically important between Board and Community

      Other Business 

      • Director’s Insurance: Insurance for whole Board – all members – Country Financial $1000+
      • Follow up on drain issues with storm waters (sandbags, grates, trenches, sump pumps
      • Flag issue – discuss US Flag vs. Country of Origin, etc. 
      • Plowing – get 3 bids (like Ruben’s Landscaping & a couple of others)
      • Lawn Care – get at least 3 bids (like Augusta, Borderview, Birch Bay Lawn, North Country) also to clean up trees and weeds.
      • Residents interested in Committees – will provide a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.
      • Projects: possibly form subcommittees for projects like – updating the Bylaws, snow plowing, storm drains project, etc.
      • Try to find the missing meeting minutes (from previous years) to post online.

      Adjournment of Meeting

      • Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Pat motioned it and Myra second it.

      Sea Links HOA 1st Quarterly Meeting Minutes 1.13.24

      Sea Links HOA 1st Quarterly Meeting Minutes 1.13.24

      Start – 8:00 am 1.13.24

      Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer) DIana Fisher (Member at Large)

      Proof of Notice of Meeting

      • Initial notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website January 6, 2023. 

      Board Expectations and Responsibilities:

      1. Look over and read the Board of Directors Operating Principles (revised Oct 2016) for next meeting.
      2. Be kind. Respectful. Timely. (try to reply to emails within 72 hours)
      3. Will discuss at next meeting the management duties by month (from 1999)

      Committee Assignment: 

      (should send out an email to see if any of the residents would like to serve on one of the three committees)

      1. Design / Control: (new roofs, lawnscaping, new paint colors)
        1. Pat – lead, Darrel, Diana
      2. Maintenance: (gates, lawns, empty lots, contracts)
        1. Darrel – lead, Pat, Diana
      3. Covenants: (appearance of lawns, weeds, need to drive around the neighborhood, any infractions – go as 2 Board Members together)
        1. Pat – lead, Diana, Darrel 

      Treasurer Report (Pat) : 

      1. CD was renewed at 5 ¼ % for 14 months.
      2. Money is coming in as dues are being paid. Notices were sent out in January.
      3. Board approved to pay Pat the mileage from St Joseph’s hospital in Bellingham to Sea Links – when he drove here to open the gates due to inclement weather and ice. Paid him from the petty fund a total of $25.46 ( $0.67 / mile) leaving $164.77 in petty cash.

      Secretary Report (Donna)

      1. Went over the emails received to the SeaLinksBoard@gmail and what to do with them and how to respond to them. Forward to the group those that need to be voted on or discussed at the next meeting.
      2. I will have the contact list. Asked where to find an official contact list for Sea Links – will it need to be updated?

      Bank Signing:

      1. Myra and Donna will need to go to Banner Bank in Blaine to sign as the new Board President and Secretary (they emailed their paperwork to Nancy Stall)

      Mailbox and Storage Change 

      1. Pat will need to update the names at the storage/mailbox to Myra’s and Donna’s names (and remove Karla’s and Tamara’s namesMyra will check and pick up the mail when she heads home.

      Flag Update

      1. We will continue with the rule that we only fly the US flag in Sea Links. If we open it to other countries – it will be too hard to control or police and that is not our job. 
      2. Myra checked with Birch Bay Village on their stand on flying flags.
      3. Myra is going to investigate further with Semiahmoo and the new development on H Street in Blaine to see what their positions (policies) are as well.
      4. Regarding the flag rule – the attorney sent out the latest legal opinion letter in November.
      5. Also discussed fines – past and present with homeowners.

      AUD Rental Update:

      1. It is out of our hands. It is in our attorney’s hands and they are handling it.

      Front Gate Flagpole Light

      1. There is a camera on the flag pole – would like to look into putting a new camera with an app for surveillance and security. What would the costs be? 
      2. Need to get an electrician out to disconnect the light on the flagpole.
      3. Keys to the front and lower gates will be with Darrel and Pat.

      Mowing Contract:

      1. We use Birch Bay Lawns right now – but the contract is up in March. We need to see what our contract covers right now: $485 / mo. for 12 mos. Coming bi-weekly?
      2. We may need to add to the contract – the trees at the front gate – they have a lot of brown on them – they need to be trimmed and the brown cut out.
      3. We may need an arborist to come out to check if they have a fungus – and if they all need to be removed.

      Design Request – Drainage

      1. Discussed Joel’s drainage request. Donna will email him.
      2. Darrel will look into the drain cleaning and flushing. $$ We need to pump/clean out our drains in the neighborhood.
      3. Need to see where water goes on West GC as there is only 1 drain there.

      Quarterly Newsletter:

      1. We can add it to the website
      2. It can let residents know what was addressed at the meetings
      3. It can also be a great reminder for residents


      1. Snow plowing:
        1.  need to get some quotes from companies that can come to service Sea Links. They need to be reminded that we have speed bumps also.
        2. Myra had the names of a couple of plow companies that we can check with for quotes
        3. Need to also decide where they can dump the snow…if they do not have a place.
      2. We do have some office supplies: stamps, envelopes, etc.
      3. Who will have the gate remotes –  they are $50 each. Once a resident returns them – they get their $50 refunded. Need to check with the Accountant. Does the Maintenance Committee take care of them?
      4. Reminders – friendly reminders go out this Spring.

      Next Meeting:

      1. Can we stop entrance gate codes? ALL CABLE van put marks on ground and there was digging at 7929 address 
      2. Pat – investigate with Whatcom. He will check on the golf course property – if Whatcom takes off the taxes (it is taxable right now) – basically does not charge us for the property taxes – we could buy and take over that portion of the land. Cannot build on that land as it is an animal sanctuary – mostly wetlands. We could have a community garden? Common area? 
      3. Changes to bi-laws and Covenants.
      4. Next meeting will be at Myra’s house on Monday March 4th at 5:30 pm.

      Close Meeting – Motion to adjourn made by Myra Whiting, 2nd by Pat Achey at 10:30 am



      Sea Links Annual General Meeting 12/16/2023

      Annual General Meeting for the Sea Links Community 12.16.2023

      Call to Order/Roll Call

      The Annual General meeting for the Sea Links Community Association was called to order at 9:15am. The meeting was held at North Bay Christ the King Community Church, 4895 Birch Bay Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230. 

      Board Members Present: Karla Savage (President), Tamara Addis (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer), and Shannon Dunn (Member at Large). 

      Quorum established: 29 in person, 11 proxies = 40 total 

      Proof of Notice of Meeting

      Initial proof of notice posted on website November 27, 2023. Packets were mailed out November 22, 2023. 

      Agenda Approval

      Karla Savage (President) makes motion to approve agenda. Motion seconded by Shirley Sell and Pat Achey.

      Approve: 28


      Review and approval for 2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes

      Motion made by Tamara Addis (Secretary) to approve 2022 AGM Meeting minutes; motion was seconded unanimously. 


      Presidents Welcome

      Karla Savage (President) welcomes all homeowners to the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Thanks them for attending and stresses that the community is in need for volunteers to step up and volunteer for the board. Also gives a slight overview of what it would mean if the association should need to hire a management company. 


      Board of Director Reports


      Presidents Report

      Overview of tasks accomplished in 2023, speed bump painting, front gate side fencing replaced, Reserve Study Completed in February 2023. Continued communications and conversations with RHINO Development, golf course owners regarding use and Mt. Baker Blues Festival that was a success and didn’t negatively impact our community. The importance of volunteering to support our community by serving on the board. And the potential cost of hiring a property management company and what that would mean to homeowner’s dues. 


      Treasurers Report

      Review of all financial reports for 2022-2023 for both main account and reserve accounts.  Reviewed the projected 2023-2024 Annual Operating budget. Discussed the big boost received from putting our money into larger interest-bearing CD, we earned 4% in 2023. We have the option to roll the money over for another 14 months and ear 5 1/3% interest for 2024-2025 and discussed the penalty should it need to be taken out early. 


      Budget Ratification

      Pat Achey (Treasurer) made motion to approve the budget, it was approved unanimously. A motion was also made to waive the audit and that was also waived unanimously.


      Committee Reports 

      Grounds & Maintenance- well maintained by Birch Bay Lawn Care, speed bump painting was completed and are more visible. 

      Design Control – had dozens of improvement request from new roofs & fencing to yard and property beautifications. Some tree removal and community care of the drains. 


      Election of Directors

      We had one homeowner volunteer for a board position prior to the meeting, LaVonne Kranz. However, this homeowner was not in attendance at the meeting. We had 4 homeowners volunteer for the board. We took individual votes, and they were all voted in unanimously. 


      They will fill the following positions:

      Myra Whiting – Position 2 (two-year term)

      Donna Chavarro – Position 4 (two-year term)

      Diana Fisher – Position 3 (1 year term)

      Darrel Hildebrand – Position 5 (1 year term)

      Pat Achey will remain in Position 1 and complete his term in December 2024. 


      New Business/Open Forum

      Get an electrician out to remove the power from the light pole at the main gate. Concerns of storm drains throughout community, conversations about the size of the drainpipes, if they are large enough and potential solutions to be explored with new board. 


      The topic of flags was discussed because there have been a handful of homeowners flying flags other than the US Flag. The verbiage of the Flag Rule under Rules & Regulations was changed by the board for clarification which was their right to do pursuant to RCW 64.38.025(1) it provides in part that except as providing in governing documents, the board of directors shall act in all instances on behalf of the association.  The Amended and Restated Bylaws, at Section 4.4(a), specifies that the Association may, through its Board of Director: “(a) Adopt and Amend the Rules and Regulations (which is where the flag rule is posted) and, subject to the provisions of Section 10 hereof, adopt and amend Bylaws for the Association. 

      Thus, per RCW 64.38.025(1) and Section 4.4(a) of the Amended and Restated Bylaws, the Board has the unilateral authority to act on behalf of the Association in adopting and changing Rules and Regulation. Nothing in the governing documents or the statute provide otherwise. 

      This was all clarified by the Sea Links Association Attorney, Greg Thulin. 


      This information was read at the meeting for clarification to homeowners who disputed the rule and were fined for flying something other than the American flag. 


      The empty lots on East Golf Course Drive are up for auction. 



      With no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:35am.  


      Sea Links Annual General Meeting 12/16/2023

       Annual General Meeting for the Sea Links Community – December 16, 2023 

      Where: North Bay Christ the King 
      4895 Birch Bay-Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230

      Call to Order/Roll Call

      The Annual General meeting for the Sea Links Community Association was called to order at 9:15am. The meeting was held at North Bay Christ the King Community Church, 4895 Birch Bay Lynden Rd, Blaine, WA 98230. 

      Board Members Present: Karla Savage (President), Tamara Addis (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer), and Shannon Dunn (Member at Large). 

      Quorum established: 29 in person, 11 proxies = 40 total 

      Proof of Notice of Meeting

      Initial proof of notice posted on website November 27, 2023. Packets were mailed out November 22, 2023. 

      Agenda Approval

      Karla Savage (President) makes motion to approve agenda. Motion seconded by Shirley Sell and Pat Achey.

      Approve: 28


      Review and approval for 2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes

      Motion made by Tamara Addis (Secretary) to approve 2022 AGM Meeting minutes; motion was seconded unanimously. 


      Presidents Welcome

      Karla Savage (President) welcomes all homeowners to the 2023 Annual General Meeting. Thanks them for attending and stresses that the community is in need for volunteers to step up and volunteer for the board. Also gives a slight overview of what it would mean if the association should need to hire a management company. 


      Board of Director Reports

      Presidents Report

      Overview of tasks accomplished in 2023, speed bump painting, front gate side fencing replaced, Reserve Study Completed in February 2023. Continued communications and conversations with RHINO Development, golf course owners regarding use and Mt. Baker Blues Festival that was a success and didn’t negatively impact our community. The importance of volunteering to support our community by serving on the board. And the potential cost of hiring a property management company and what that would mean to homeowner’s dues. 


      Treasurers Report

      Review of all financial reports for 2022-2023 for both main account and reserve accounts.  Reviewed the projected 2023-2024 Annual Operating budget. Discussed the big boost received from putting our money into larger interest-bearing CD, we earned 4% in 2023. We have the option to roll the money over for another 14 months and ear 5 1/3% interest for 2024-2025 and discussed the penalty should it need to be taken out early. 


      Budget Ratification

      Pat Achey (Treasurer) made motion to approve the budget, it was approved unanimously. A motion was also made to wave the audit and that was also waved unanimously.


      Committee Reports 

      Grounds & Maintenance- well maintained by Birch Bay Lawn Care, speed bump painting was completed and are more visible. 

      Design Control – had dozens of improvement request from new roofs & fencing to yard and property beautifications. Some tree removal and community care of the drains. 


      Election of Directors

      We had one homeowner volunteer for a board position prior to the meeting, LaVonne Kranz. However, this homeowner was not in attendance at the meeting. We had 4 homeowners volunteer for the board. We took individual votes, and they were all voted in unanimously. 

      They will fill the following positions:

      Myra Whiting – Position 2 (two-year term)

      Donna Chavarro – Position 4 (two-year term)

      Diana Fisher – Position 3 (1 year term)

      Darrel Hildebrand – Position 5 (1 year term)

      Pat Achey will remain in Position 1 and complete his term in December 2024. 


      New Business/Open Forum

      Get an electrician out to remove the power from the light pole at the main gate. Concerns of storm drains throughout community, conversations about the size of the drainpipes, if they are large enough and potential solutions to be explored with new board. 


      The topic of flags was discussed because there have been a handful of homeowners flying flags other than the US Flag. The verbiage of the Flag Rule under Rules & Regulations was changed by the board for clarification which was their right to do pursuant to RCW 64.38.025(1) it provides in part that except as providing in governing documents, the board of directors shall act in all instances on behalf of the association.  The Amended and Restated Bylaws, at Section 4.4(a), specifies that the Association may, through its Board of Director: “(a) Adopt and Amend the Rules and Regulations (which is where the flag rule is posted) and, subject to the provisions of Section 10 hereof, adopt and amend Bylaws for the Association. 

      Thus, per RCW 64.38.025(1) and Section 4.4(a) of the Amended and Restated Bylaws, the Board has the unilateral authority to act on behalf of the Association in adopting and changing Rules and Regulation. Nothing in the governing documents or the statute provide otherwise. 

      This was all clarified by the Sea Links Association Attorney, Greg Thulin. 


      This information was read at the meeting for clarification to homeowners who disputed the rule and were fined for flying something other than the American flag. 


      The empty lots on East Golf Course Drive are up for auction. 



      With no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:35am.