HOA Board Meeting Agenda 3.8.25

HOA Board Meeting Agenda 3.8.25

The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2025 on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at 9:00 am at the home of LaVonne Kranz (Member at Large) at 4752 Ironwood Court.


Treasurer Report – Craig
Maintenance Report – Jan
Design Committee – Richard
Secretary Report – Donna
CCCR Violations – LaVonne
Golf Course Drainage – Myra 
Welcome Committee – Myra
Next meeting
Executive Session

Sea Links HOA Quarterly Newsletter – January 2025

Happy New Year!!!

I want to begin the new year with an update of what’s happening in our neighborhood. I want to assure all residents that the current board is trying our best to accommodate all requests. Please remember we are all volunteers and want the best for the community we live in.

Paving Project

The Paving Project has been awarded to WRS, paving will be done sometime in the Spring. The following areas will be paved:

  • Sawgrass Way
  • Sealinks Drive Gate Entrance
  • Wedgewood Court
  • Back Gate Entrance

Before the project starts Residents will be provided with details.

Street Sign Replacement

The street sign has been reinstalled after being hit by a car. We still need to trim trees.

New Build on 7949 W Golf Course Dr.

Everyone is probably wondering what the delay is on the new home being built. For the past few months, the owner and PSE have been trying to find power from the transformer to the home. Finally, this has been resolved, and PSE should be out this month to provide power. At this point the contractor will begin finishing the outside of the home.

Back Gate Repair

The Back Gate Repair has been completed. The first repair had a design flaw and after Gateway Controls worked with the manufacturer a solution was given to resolve the issue.

Front Gate Codes and Remotes

Please email sealinksboard@gmail.com if you need a front gate code, new or old gate remotes. Our accountant is not responsible for giving out codes or remotes, this is the board’s responsibility.



HOA Board Meeting Minutes 1.11.25

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

January 11th, 2025 at 10:00 am 

4752 Ironwood Court

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Jan Bergman (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary) Craig Mancuso (Treasurer) Richard Drath (Assistant Officer) and LaVonne Kranz (Member at Large)

President’s Welcome

  • Everyone took a moment to introduce themselves, what position they hold and which committees they are to the residence in attendance.

The 2024-2025 HOA Board:

  • Myra Whiting – President  & Design Control Committee
  • Jan Bergman – Vice President &  Grounds & Maintenance Committee
  • Donna Chavarro – Secretary & Covenant Committee
  • Craig Mancuso – Treasurer & Budget & Finance Committee
  • LaVonne Kranz – Member at Large & Covenant Committee / Advisory Committee
  • Richard Drath – Assistant Officer & Design Control Committee / Advisory Committee


  • The residents in attendance took a moment to introduce themselves to the Board and each other.

Order of Business: 

  • Initial proof of notice of meeting and the meeting agenda was posted on Sea Links website January 8th, 2025 
  • Called to order at 10:10 am – Myra (P) motioned – Jan (VP) second it. 
  • 6 residents attended. 
  • Board approved the minutes from the last meeting and it was posted on December 17th, 2024. 

Secretary Report – Donna

  • Emails: Reported on the emails that were sent in since the last meeting in November. They included requests for gate codes, gate remotes, design control requests, questions regarding the street sign that was hit and taken down, emergency action, parking offenses, HOA dues statements and drainage issues.
  • Bank: After Donna signed at Banner Bank she emailed the banker the notes from the last HOA meeting that assigned Craig as the Treasurer. Myra, Donna and Craig have access to all financial accounts.
  • Gate: will call our gate software company to see what the cost would be to upgrade our system to include mobile and long distance phone numbers to the gate codes and report back at the next meeting.

Treasurer Report – Craig

  • Dues: All of the HOA dues statements have been mailed out to residents now. Michelle, our accountant, said that she wanted to wait until after the first of the year. Last year, they were mailed out on January 2nd, 2024.
  • HOA dues are due by January 25th – and you can either pay the entire amount of $500 – or half payment now ($250) and the other half ($250) in June. You can pay by mailing a check, or by supplying your credit card info – but you will incur a 3% fee.
  • Michelle said that you will always receive your paper statement mailed to you by regular post. QuickBooks emailed, in error and in electronic form, a 2025 Dues invoice marked paid to just a few residents. Again, all HOA Dues will be mailed to you in paper form. 
  • Annual Report: was already filed with Michelle on 12/31/24. Great job, Craig!
  • Invoices: There are no outstanding invoices at this time.
  • Statements: Craig is looking at statements on a regular basis. We had a lot of invoices from Gateway Controls – with all of the gate repairs and maintenance; and one from the tree that came down and needed to be removed from the Sea Links drive – on the way into the neighborhood.
  • Money: Craig will be looking at the HOA dues that come in – figure out what we spend vs. what needs to be done, and shop for any CD’s available to get some added interest for our money.

 Maintenance Committee Report – Jan

  • Front Gate: Gateway Controls – the sensors were replaced – the ones that open the gate if power is lost.
  • Back Gate: The back gate has not been upgraded in 20 years. You could see the issue and why it was not functioning properly – the wires could be seen coming up from under the asphalt. Now we have little sensors that are dug into the asphalt and the gate is working much better now.
  • Also, the receiving unit was moved and reinstalled in a plastic housing to cause less interference for the signals from the sensors – and is located on the south side of the gate.
  • Street Sign: There was more involved in fixing our “Sea Links” street sign than just putting it back up. Thank you to those residents who were patient and knew that it was being taken care of properly. The street sign was hit in an accident – and there were many things had to happen before the sign could be replaced: such as police report – did the driver have insurance, if not what is our insurance deductible, get bids on replacement, get permit to install street sign, discuss placement of sign, get board approval to spend the money, award the bid, locate utilities, and get sign installed. 
  • Stop Sign: Our Stop Sign at the end of Sea Links is too short, too low and too wobbly. Jan received a good bid (with a discount) to fix both the stop sign and street sign for $550.00.  They will use a 2×2 metal post, drive an anchor into the ground, replace the stop sign and put up our street sign above it. Add reflectors on both East and West. And Jan will look into having the tree trimmed around the sign post.
  • The Board voted on a more permanent fix for the street sign. Myra (P) motioned, Donna (S) second, all agreed. Thanks, Jan,  for your due diligence with all the calls to the police, our insurance company, the utility company, meeting with the utility company, as well as the city, county and the permit company. 
  • Mowing: Jan will get a couple of quotes for the mowing as our contract is up in March. She will check with “Birch Bay” and “Express Help” – and she knows all of the areas we need mowed and the entry trees trimmed.
  • Asphalt: We had 2 bids for this – but they are too old – so Jan will see about new bids. She will figure out what needs to be done, curbs, etc. She will check and report at our next HOA meeting in 2 months.
  • Drainage: We are aware of the issues – and the money needed to properly fix it. It is still a work in progress – but nothing new at the moment.

Design Control Committee – Richard & Myra

  • 4760 South Golf Course: Plans for a 2 story, 2000 sq ft property were submitted. It was approved. No follow up yet as to when they will start.
  • 7936 & 7940 East Golf Course: were purchased – but no plans were submitted yet to build. County still needs to evaluate the extent of the “Wetlands” – so it is all on hold for now. There were 4 lots – but only 1 of the 2 that were purchased can be inhabited. There still remain 2 uninhabitable and unoccupied lots on that side of East.
  • Wetlands: There is also a property on the corner of North and East that is also labelled as “Wetlands” – and nothing can be built on it either.
  • We had a request that someone wanted to buy one of the buildable lots on Sawgrass – and put/build a prefab home. It was denied as we do not permit prefab homes in Sea Links. So, they did not buy the property for sale.
  • West Golf Course: Myra has been reaching out to see what the ETA is, as well as the current plan for the unfinished property on West. Apparently, there was an issue with PSE trying to get power to the property – some issues that were out of the builder’s control. At least, the debris was cleaned on the landscaping lately.  

Covenant Report: LaVonne & Donna

  • Fences: Question was asked about fences in backyards that face the golf course and greenways. Residents were reminded that NO fences are permitted behind the houses that face the golf course or greenway. Also, fences or arbor dividers between houses cannot be taller than 4 feet high. Hedges are allowed. Decks on the back of the house with a rail are permitted. All plans need Board approval.
  • Parking on the Street: Warning letters will be sent to repeat offenders – followed by fines if the issue continues. 

Website: Donna

  • Myra and Donna will have a working design meeting to put a process in place that includes expectations for the website, method to do it and the structure to update our website. 

Welcoming Committee

  • We only have 66 people subscribed to receive emails and communication from Sea Links – in the event of a disaster – we know that our neighbors would like to be informed. You can subscribe on our website: https://sealinksbirchbay.org 
  • Welcome Packs will be assembled for all new residents to let them know about services in our community and to help make them aware of our governing documents – CCR’s and Rules & Regulations. 

Future Events

  • Community Clean Up & BBQ Potluck: Last year’s Clean Up & BBQ was a great success and the neighborhood looked great afterwards. It was also a nice  “meet and greet” to get to know your neighbors. Possibly having 2 – one in the Spring and one in the Fall. 
  • Garage Sale – we will see if we can coordinate when Latitude 49 is doing theirs.
  • Christmas Tree Pickup – can help assist picking up Christmas trees at the end of the holidays.
  • Holiday Event: Progressive dinner idea was suggested.

Next Meeting 

  • Our next HOA Board Meeting will be on Saturday, March 8th at 10 am at LaVonne Kranz’s (MaL) house – 4752 Ironwood Ct. 


  • Meeting adjourned at 11:38 am. Myra (P) motioned and Craig (T) and Jan (VP) second it


HOA Board Meeting Agenda 1.11.25

HOA Board Meeting Agenda 1.11.25

The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2025 on Saturday, January 11th, 2025, at 10:00 am at the home of LaVonne Kranz (Member at Large) at 4752 Ironwood Court.


Minute Approval Date
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Maintenance Committee Report

Covenant Report


Future Events

Next meeting

Sea Links Announcement – Back Gate

Important Update on Back Gate Issue:

We want to assure everyone that Gateway Controls is aware of the issue and has been out several times to address it. They believe the problem lies with the new sensors, which need adjustment. However, they are unable to make these adjustments without assistance from tech support, which is already closed for the holidays. Unfortunately, the issue will not be resolved until after the first of the year. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this matter. Thank you!



HOA Board Meeting Agenda 11.9.24

HOA Board Meeting Agenda 11.9.24

The HOA Board will hold their next meeting of 2024 on Saturday, November 9th 2024, at 9:00 am at the home of Myra Whiting (President) at 7961 W Golf Course Dr.


Welcome new Board Members
Board responsibilities and expectations
Committee responsibilities
Committee assignments
Open issues
  •   Storm Water
  •   Gate Battery Backup
  •   Asphalt Bids
  •   Tree trimming bid
  •   Landscape/mowing bid
  •   Banking
Next meeting

Sea Links Announcement – Flooding issues

Please, if everyone could help with clean up! Keeping the leaves and grasses out of the street drains near your house – will help with potential flooding issues. We are aware of the problem with water coming down from Latitude 49, and will be in contact with their HOA to help solve similar problems from arising in the future. Thanks in advance for your assistance! We work better together!

Sea Links 2024 Annual General Meeting 10.12.24

Sea Links 2024 Annual General Meeting 10.12.24

The HOA Board will hold the next Annual General meeting of 2024 on Saturday, October 12th, 2024, from 10:00-12:00 pm at the Birch Bay Bible Community Church – 4460 Bay Road, Birch Bay, WA. 98230 


President Welcome-Myra Whiting
Order of Business
  • Guest Representing Sea Links Surrounding Property
  • Proof of Notice
  • Determination of the presence of a Quorum
  • Approval of the Agenda
  • Approval of minutes from previous meeting December 15, 2023
  • Election of Directors
    • Position 1 – 2 Year Term
    • Position 3 – 1 Year Term
    • Position 5 – 1 Year Term
      • Nominees Names Recorded
      • 2 Volunteer members to establish count
  • Board of Director’s Report
    • President
    • Treasurer Budget Approval
  • Committee Reports
    • Maintenance
    • Design Control
    • Covenants
  • New Business
    • Updating CCR’s
  • Adjournment

HOA Board Meeting Minutes 8.14.24


Board Meeting Minutes 
August 14, 2024 at 5:45 pm
7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary) – Via FaceTime, Christine Ordal (Treasurer) and Diana Fisher (MAL – Member at Large)

Begin Meeting
⦁ Initial proof of notice of meeting and the meeting agenda was posted on Sea Links website August 12th, 2023.
⦁ Called to order at 5:55 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
⦁ 1 resident attended
⦁ Minutes from last meeting were approved and posted.

Old Business

Water Issues Update – Darrel (VP)
⦁ They used a camera attached to a big pressure hose to see into the pipe and see what the problem is. They did spray quite a bit of silt out.
⦁ What we learned is that the 2 other divisions above us have bigger pipes and then it gets backed up when it hits our smaller pipe.
⦁ We found out that the pipe is not crushed like we thought – just has a bend in it – BUT it still cannot take all the water fast enough. It was a bad design – even with more drains – the pipes still could not handle it.
⦁ Jane (resident) will talk to the lead engineer, Craig, at BBWarm in October – to email the report that concerns the drains and lagoons here in Birch Bay. We may need to pay an engineer firm to propose a solution to our water issues.
⦁ Also have some concerns of standing water and erosion on East.

Street Repairs – Darrell (VP)
⦁ Darrell will call WRS for them to give us a quote – mostly for Sawgrass issues with the roads and curbs.
⦁ Asphault Northwest – meeting is scheduled for 8/22 at 9:00 am.

Garage Sale – Diana (MAL)
⦁ It went well! Thank you for all your help, Richard! You were so great!
⦁ Before the gates were opened at 8:00 am – there were cars lined up and around the corner! There was a steady stream for most of the day!
⦁ We also noticed that over 20 houses partook in the sale!
⦁ With all of the positive feedback – we will host another Community Garage Sale again next year! The times from 8-1 were well accepted.
⦁ Suggestion for next year from many of the guests/buyers: for their to be drinks available to buy. Maybe have kids set up drinks and snack stands to sell lemonade. water, chips, etc…

Violations – Myra (P)
⦁ Political Sign – was out but it was taken down. (Political signs are allowed – within the size limits – can be up 30 days prior to an election and taken down the next day)
⦁ Mowing – on Sawgrass
⦁ Garbage Can – left out on curb until Wednesday. Myra assisted and took care of it for the resident. Just a reminder that being nice and neighborly can go a long way.
⦁ There was a young guy (Pest Control) trying to solicite new business and go around to residents. Soliciting is not allowed in Sea Links. Myra let him know that he can only work on referrals.
⦁ All violations reported have been taken care of.

Design Approvals – Myra (P)
⦁ There have been many approvals for roofs, house painting, lawns, decks, tree removal, and new builds.
⦁ Please remember to fill out the Design Control form on the website for approvals.

New Business

4th of July
⦁ Concerned about the parking on both sides of the road.
⦁ Myra will look for any parking signs that might be in storage that will help keep people from parking too close to the back gate.
⦁ We had a lot of people entering Sea Links when the back gate opened for residents. And then they were stuck – as they did not know why the back gate did not open for them to leave.
⦁ We will post something on the website next year to remind residents to wait for the gate to start closing before leaving and letting strangers in.

Board Positions
⦁ There may be a few positions open for next year: two – 1 year terms and one – 2 year term.
⦁ Board Meetings – are almost ready to go to meeting every other month or even quarterly meetings.

Fall Clean Up
⦁ Our last Community Clean Up was such a great success… we are going to hold another one this Fall to get ready for the Winter.
⦁ Save the date: it will be Saturday, October 19th, 2024. Followed by a “Fall Pot Luck” in the Wedgewood Court cul-de-sac. More info to follow.
⦁ Darrell (VP) was so gracious last time to go around and spray treat all of the grass and weeds growing up between the road and the curb with his nature friendly weed killer concoction. That made the clean up so much easier! Now he is sharing the special recipe with us! Epsom salt, Vinegar and Dish Soap.

Maintenance Contract
⦁ Myra (P) and Darrell (VP) will meet with “Innovative Solutions” – they do lawn care and snow removal. They are going to get a quote to see if it would be worth it. Our current contract is up in March.

General Meeting
⦁ The Annual General Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, at Birch Bay Bible Community Church on 4460 Bay Road in Birch Bay.
⦁ The current Board will take a minute to introduce themselves and their position, and what they have done so far this year.
⦁ There will be packets mailed out with an Agenda, Proxy handout, Copy of Financials, Sea Links Rules and Regulations/ Fines, and 3 Board Positions to be filled for 2025.
⦁ We will ask Ironborn Inc. (the Canadian company that bought the golf course) to speak and give a 5 min presentation on their vision for the property. There will be no Q&A or comments at this meeting. If residents have questions or comments – they can send them to the Board through the Sea Links email.

Next Meeting
⦁ Wednesday, September 18th at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Adjournment of Meeting
⦁ Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm. Myra (P) proposed and Diana (MAL) second it. All approved.