There will be speed bump and road painting occurring near the main gate areas both upper and lower as well as by community stop signs in the afternoon of Saturday, 7/29/2023. Please use extra caution around cones and wet paint areas.
There will be speed bump and road painting occurring near the main gate areas both upper and lower as well as by community stop signs in the afternoon of Saturday, 7/29/2023. Please use extra caution around cones and wet paint areas.
NW Asphalt just notified the board that they will be in our neighborhood tomorrow finishing the speed bump painting and removing the paint that was previously driven through. Please be cautious around wet paint and coned off areas.
Thank you for your patience as we try to wrap up this project.
Sea Links Board of Directors
Gateway Controls will be on site on Thursday April 13th starting around 9:00am to replace the failing loop sensor in the ground at the main gate on Sea Links Dr. Please take precautions when approaching the gate. This project could take up to 4 hours to complete.
Gateway Controls was able to come out yesterday afternoon to assess the issues we are having with the front gate remaining open for long periods of time and they were able to determine that the ground loop car sensor is going out. They need to order a replacement part and are looking at working us into their schedule in the next few weeks. We will keep you updated on a repair date once that has been established.
At the Annual Membership meeting, Dec. 8, 2018, a request was made to have a light installed on the front gate’s keypad. Members said it was too dark to see the keypad numbers for easy input to open the gate at night time.
The SLCA Board of Directors have approved the installation of a new back lit key pad that will glow in the dark for easy access to input the proper code to open the front gates.
Thank you to our members for bringing this to our attention. We are happy to be able to respond quickly to your feedback. The Back Lit Keypad will be installed at the same time as the TOMAR Strobe switch and Photo Eye to minimize cost on January 28, 2019.
Jane Mauk
SLCA Secretary
The Sea Links Community Association (SLCA) Board of Directors have approved the installation of a TOMAR Strobeswitch and Photo Eye at the Front Gate on Monday, January 28, 2019. We are replacing safety equipment which allows for automatic opening of our front gate for emergency vehicles.
The solid state equipment is activated by the emergency vehicle’s flashing lights up to 200 feet typically. The unit’s internal red LED illuminates whenever a proper optical signal is received, thereby opening the front gates for easy access during emergency situations.
We are dedicated to the purpose of the SLCA to promote safety, health, well-being and enjoyment of its members.
Jane Mauk
SLCA Secretary
The building construction company sends it apology to the Sea Links Community for damaging the grass near the back gate.
“They have taken 100% responsibility and are going to repair the damage to our satisfaction,” said SLCA President, Mr. Joe Black. They provided a temporary repair on the same day as the damage. They were bringing in big trusses for a home construction project on South Golf Course Drive.
The SLCA Board of Directors appreciates the construction company for taking full responsibility and willingness to work with the community for full restoration of the grass at the back gate.
Jane Mauk, SLCA Secretary
The Ironwood Court road maintenance work will occur on Monday, May 16th, and Tuesday, May 17, 2016.
The paving company has assured us that work will be conducted in such a way as to allow one way access to Sawgrass Way during construction.
Since the Ironwood Court will be closed to all traffic during construction our standard rule regarding cars parking curbside for more than 24 consecutive hours will not be enforced for these two days. Also, since Monday is our garbage/recycling collection day, we are working with Sanitary Service Company to coordinate garbage and recycling pickup from Ironwood Court residents on that day.
We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause other residents in our community and greatly appreciate your patience.
Posted on previous website May 8, 2016, 8:37 PM by
The Board of Directors has approved road maintenance work on Ironwood Court and the back easement near the Birch Bay Visitors Information Center. Additional information will be posted as soon as the work schedule date is known.
Posted on previous website Apr 28, 2016, 8:32 PM by
WRS will be sweeping our streets next Tuesday, May 3rd. The gate will be opened the night before and will remain open the entire following day for the machinery. Please do not park any cars on the street from 8AM to 6PM on Tuesday.
Posted on previous website Apr 28, 2016, 8:24 PM by