HOA Board Meeting Minutes 8.14.24


Board Meeting Minutes 
August 14, 2024 at 5:45 pm
7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary) – Via FaceTime, Christine Ordal (Treasurer) and Diana Fisher (MAL – Member at Large)

Begin Meeting
⦁ Initial proof of notice of meeting and the meeting agenda was posted on Sea Links website August 12th, 2023.
⦁ Called to order at 5:55 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
⦁ 1 resident attended
⦁ Minutes from last meeting were approved and posted.

Old Business

Water Issues Update – Darrel (VP)
⦁ They used a camera attached to a big pressure hose to see into the pipe and see what the problem is. They did spray quite a bit of silt out.
⦁ What we learned is that the 2 other divisions above us have bigger pipes and then it gets backed up when it hits our smaller pipe.
⦁ We found out that the pipe is not crushed like we thought – just has a bend in it – BUT it still cannot take all the water fast enough. It was a bad design – even with more drains – the pipes still could not handle it.
⦁ Jane (resident) will talk to the lead engineer, Craig, at BBWarm in October – to email the report that concerns the drains and lagoons here in Birch Bay. We may need to pay an engineer firm to propose a solution to our water issues.
⦁ Also have some concerns of standing water and erosion on East.

Street Repairs – Darrell (VP)
⦁ Darrell will call WRS for them to give us a quote – mostly for Sawgrass issues with the roads and curbs.
⦁ Asphault Northwest – meeting is scheduled for 8/22 at 9:00 am.

Garage Sale – Diana (MAL)
⦁ It went well! Thank you for all your help, Richard! You were so great!
⦁ Before the gates were opened at 8:00 am – there were cars lined up and around the corner! There was a steady stream for most of the day!
⦁ We also noticed that over 20 houses partook in the sale!
⦁ With all of the positive feedback – we will host another Community Garage Sale again next year! The times from 8-1 were well accepted.
⦁ Suggestion for next year from many of the guests/buyers: for their to be drinks available to buy. Maybe have kids set up drinks and snack stands to sell lemonade. water, chips, etc…

Violations – Myra (P)
⦁ Political Sign – was out but it was taken down. (Political signs are allowed – within the size limits – can be up 30 days prior to an election and taken down the next day)
⦁ Mowing – on Sawgrass
⦁ Garbage Can – left out on curb until Wednesday. Myra assisted and took care of it for the resident. Just a reminder that being nice and neighborly can go a long way.
⦁ There was a young guy (Pest Control) trying to solicite new business and go around to residents. Soliciting is not allowed in Sea Links. Myra let him know that he can only work on referrals.
⦁ All violations reported have been taken care of.

Design Approvals – Myra (P)
⦁ There have been many approvals for roofs, house painting, lawns, decks, tree removal, and new builds.
⦁ Please remember to fill out the Design Control form on the website for approvals.

New Business

4th of July
⦁ Concerned about the parking on both sides of the road.
⦁ Myra will look for any parking signs that might be in storage that will help keep people from parking too close to the back gate.
⦁ We had a lot of people entering Sea Links when the back gate opened for residents. And then they were stuck – as they did not know why the back gate did not open for them to leave.
⦁ We will post something on the website next year to remind residents to wait for the gate to start closing before leaving and letting strangers in.

Board Positions
⦁ There may be a few positions open for next year: two – 1 year terms and one – 2 year term.
⦁ Board Meetings – are almost ready to go to meeting every other month or even quarterly meetings.

Fall Clean Up
⦁ Our last Community Clean Up was such a great success… we are going to hold another one this Fall to get ready for the Winter.
⦁ Save the date: it will be Saturday, October 19th, 2024. Followed by a “Fall Pot Luck” in the Wedgewood Court cul-de-sac. More info to follow.
⦁ Darrell (VP) was so gracious last time to go around and spray treat all of the grass and weeds growing up between the road and the curb with his nature friendly weed killer concoction. That made the clean up so much easier! Now he is sharing the special recipe with us! Epsom salt, Vinegar and Dish Soap.

Maintenance Contract
⦁ Myra (P) and Darrell (VP) will meet with “Innovative Solutions” – they do lawn care and snow removal. They are going to get a quote to see if it would be worth it. Our current contract is up in March.

General Meeting
⦁ The Annual General Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 12th, 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, at Birch Bay Bible Community Church on 4460 Bay Road in Birch Bay.
⦁ The current Board will take a minute to introduce themselves and their position, and what they have done so far this year.
⦁ There will be packets mailed out with an Agenda, Proxy handout, Copy of Financials, Sea Links Rules and Regulations/ Fines, and 3 Board Positions to be filled for 2025.
⦁ We will ask Ironborn Inc. (the Canadian company that bought the golf course) to speak and give a 5 min presentation on their vision for the property. There will be no Q&A or comments at this meeting. If residents have questions or comments – they can send them to the Board through the Sea Links email.

Next Meeting
⦁ Wednesday, September 18th at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Adjournment of Meeting
⦁ Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm. Myra (P) proposed and Diana (MAL) second it. All approved.

Successful First Ever Community Clean Up & BBQ


Thank you to ALL who participated in our 1st Community Clean Up & Barbecue!!

  • Driving around our neighborhood – you can see cleaner roads, tidier front and back gateways, and manicured home fronts! Looks so much better! Woohoo!
  • Thank you to EVERYONE that helped make our 1st Community Clean Up & BBQ a success! All of the food was great and the weather was perfect for the outdoor get-together!
  • AND the BBQ was so FUN! Meeting neighbors that you may not have met yet, making new connections and new friends, and reconnecting with others! WINNING!
  • And thanks to Myra and Corrie Whiting for coming around with their trailer to pick up all of our debris! Sea Links… we all ROCKED IT!


  • Here are some photos from our 1st Community Clean Up and BBQ:

HOA Board Meeting Minutes 6.12.24

HOA Board Meeting Minutes – June 12th, 2024, at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum of 5 Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), Christine Ordal (Treasurer) and Diana Fisher (Member at Large) via FaceTime.

Begin Meeting

  • Initial proof of notice of meeting with agenda posted on Sea Links website June 9, 2024.
  • Called to order at 5:49 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
  • 2 residents attended.

Meeting Minutes Approved 

  • We will try to approve minutes more quickly and post them sooner for residents to know what was talked about in a more timely manner.

Treasurer Status Report and Cash Flow

  • Christine Ordal (T) – shared the Profit and Loss YTD info from Michelle’s report.
  • We have 3 accounts:
    • Savings – $2,672.00
    • Checking – $167,465.53
    • Money Market – $147,000
  • We are looking for a high yield savings to move some of the money from the checking account – so that it will yield some interest and add to the total.
  • Our petty cash fund has about $115 still in it.

Covenant – Violations

  • 43 Letters were sent out to residents regarding their violations (mostly in regard to the storage of garbage cans & recycle bins – should not be visible from the street, and on-street parking for longer than 24 hours).
  • The Board will do another quick drive around in a week or two to check for compliance. Also, each of the Board Members will take a section to “check up” on to help maintain compliance.
  • We received some feedback regarding the violation letters – next time the letter will have the specific violation and the date reported.

Wedgewood Court Storm Drain

  • Darrel (VP) found out the problem from the contractor (Mike) for the storm drain issue on Wedgewood Court. The drain is crushed and restricted and runs an inch and a half uphill. Also, the drain is too low and needs to be lifted up. 
  • The quote for all of the work to fix the issue – including the digging up, lifting up the drain, replacing the drain pipes, and then replacing the asphalt for the area dug up is: $10,100.00. 
  • The work cannot start until July and will take about 5 days – 2 days to work and about 2-3 days to cure. We will notify those neighbors that will need to keep off of the road – with more details. 
  • Diana (M) looked at Mike’s BBB Contractor license – good until 12/3/25 and he is in great standing.
  • Board voted to approve work: Diana (M) motioned and Christine (T) 2nd it. All agreed to approve.

Asphalt Repairs

  • NW Asphalt Repair was the last company that did our repairs. They did a good job. Darrel (VP) has tried to call them – to see if they would come out – but has not been able to speak with anyone. Myra (P) will try to contact them as well. 
  • We will also look at WRS – another big company to have them give us a quote.
  • We have a few areas in the neighborhood that have issues (i.e. Sawgrass).
  • Myra looked at the reserve study (from 2017) to see what the timeline is for fixing the asphalt on the different roads- including the asphalt, seal repair and concrete curb. According to the reserve study, the concrete curb should have been replaced last year. 
  • We would like to see if they have a different design for the curbs that would be a better fit for our neighborhood replacing the need for the little driveway “ramps”.

Lawn Care / Tree Trimming

  • All of the trees (by the front gate) were done – all trimmed and dead parts cut off. It will be done again in the fall. Looks better!
  • Lawn – out the back gate – needs to be cut up to the retaining wall and down Club House Dr. – 5 feet on other side.
  • Need new bids for next year – for when our contract is up.  Darrel (VP) will follow up on this.

Completed Items

  • Light at front gate – out. No cost.
  • Stop sign was fixed.
  • Sea Links Sign (at front entrance) – was cleaned. Our maintenance committee noticed some rotting – it will be filled, sanded and repainted. Thanks Mike and Cathy!

Community Clean Up & BBQ – Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

  • A “dump trailer” will come around to pick up your collected debris from in front of your house.
  • The BBQ will be in Wedgewood Ct and there will be hotdogs and chips served. Bring a drink and a chair if you want. It will be FUN to mingle, meet and get to know your Sea Links neighbors!
  • Myra (P) will bring the hotdogs, buns, chips, condiments and water. (Thanks, Myra!)
  • Diana (M) will bring the plates and napkins. (Thanks, Diana!)
  • Joel and Levi will pull out their BBQ’s. (Thanks, chefs!)

Garage Sale Saturday July 27, 2024, from 8am – 1pm (Rain or Shine)

  • A big shout out and thank you to Sea Links resident Richard! He did the advertising and put a 2 week ad in the Northern Light about the Sea Links Garage Sale. Again, thanks for all of the prep work you did for the sale!
  • We will have flyers for local businesses AND will post on Social Media.
  • Myra (P) and Donna (S) will man the entrance. There will be a sign for the Front Gate.
  • We will use road signs, arrows and cones to help with traffic for garage sale go-ers that day. Parking on one side and going one way – to facilitate the traffic. Myra and Donna will also let visitors know.

New Business

  • Expenses: need for more envelopes and stamps.
  • Darrel will buy and get reimbursed for “grass treatment” (vinegar, Epson salt, dish soap) that he will use to go around the neighborhood to treat the weeds and grass that grow up between the street and the curb. It will make it easier for the residents for the “Community Clean Up”. Thanks Darrel!

Gate Control

  • Donna (S) tested it and found out that long distance numbers cannot be used as a phone number for the front gate – for visitors to use to contact you to open the gate. This needs to be updated.
  • Need to find out who our phone company is that operates our front gate. Christine (T) will see who we pay to maintain the phone at the gate. 

General Meeting: Saturday, October 12th 2024

  • SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, October 12th 2024 – more info to follow.


  • Absolutely NO fireworks are permitted in Sea Links. 
  • No warnings. Police and Fire Department will be called.
  • Automatic $500.00 fine.
  • Anything that can start a fire is NOT allowed.


  • Website needs to be updated. The main section should just be the current stuff.
  • Can archive the old stuff and take off the old agendas.
  • Newsletters – can keep for 1 year.
  • Put all of the governing documents in 1 place.
  • Donna (S) will meet with Jason and Brian to talk about updating the website. (Thanks, guys!)
  • Would like to add a “registration form” to the website for residents to update their current info: name, address, phone number, email, etc. 

Welcome Packet

  • Need a committee to get our “Welcome Packet” updated. If anyone is interested in being on this committee – please go to our website and send us an email. Thanks in advance!!

Committee to update Governing Documents

  • Our committee consists of 2 Board Members (Myra & Donna) and a great handful of residents (Shirley, Jane, Brian, Kristine and Blake) – we will meet in July to make recommendations to the attorney to update the CC&R’s.
  • Our attorney said that it will take over a year to update and bring the CC&R’s into this century. Myra (P) will email our attorney to get a quote for the cost of the updating, so that it can be approved at our General Meeting in October. (October 12th)
  • There are some standard changes to be made that are just not correct anymore.
  • The Board voted (Donna (S) motioned, Christine (T) 2nd, all approved) to make a few corrections to the Rules & Regulations now – which our attorney said previously, that we are in our right to do. 
  • The R&R updates will be regarding:
    • the private property “Green Belt” – is no longer called the Golf Course – AND the owners have given permission for residents to use. 
    • Dogs off leash – fix it to “outside the limits of the owner’s lot” (take out: “Golf Course”)
    • Already fixed/fixing the Flag flying- to nation of origin – not just the US Flag.

Adjournment of Meeting

  • Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, August 14th at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm. Myra (P) proposed and Donna (S) second it. All approved.

HOA Board Meeting Minutes 5.13.24

HOA Board Meeting minutes – May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum of 5 Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), and Diana Fisher (Member at Large), Christine Ordal (Treasurer)

Begin Meeting

  • Initial proof of notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website May 9, 2024.
  • Called to order at 5:40 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
  • 1 resident attended.

Meeting Minutes Approved 

  • We will approve minutes more quickly and post them sooner for residents to know what was talked about.

Treasurer Status Report and Cash Flow

  • Welcome New Treasurer – Christine Ordal (T) – for the interim. Until Oct 2024 when there will be 3 positions open on the Board. (VP, T & Member)
  • Michelle – she will give us the up-to-date financials soon. There are no past due notices this week.

Wedgewood Court Storm Drain

  • No new updates yet. Darrel (VP) will get the quote from Mike – as we would like the work done this summer before any more flooding in the fall.

Sawgrass Asphalt

  • NW Asphalt Repair was the last company that did our repairs. We can also see if they do any patches… as there may be some needed on North and East. Darrel (VP) will follow up to get a bid.
  • Sea Links Drive – the road coming in the front gate – we maintain 100% of the road.
  • May need to check the reserve study to look at the timeline for fixing the asphalt on the different roads.

New Build – Lot 13

  • No new news. Myra (P) will email the builder to let him know and remind him: of the regulations for build, get his plans, what he owes to start, and find out his timeline for starters. She will also remind him that he needs to keep the lot mowed.


  • The Newsletter went out reminding residents of possible violations (mostly in regard to the storage of garbage cans and recycle bins being visible from the street, and on street parking for longer than 24 hours).
  • The HOA will do another drive around and check on the list of violators. Those that are still not in compliance will get their 1st warning letter. 

Community Clean Up & BBQ – Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

  • Myra (P) will make a flyer (with all the info) for all residents regarding our upcoming “Community Clean Up and BBQ” on June 22nd. The Board each took a section of the neighborhood – so they could deliver the flyers to each house.
  • We will have a trailer for the clean-up and a place to dump the yard waste and yard clippings not far from here.
  • The BBQ will be in Wedgewood Ct and there will be hotdogs and chips served. Just bring a drink and a chair if you want. It will be a great time to mingle and meet your Sea Links neighbors.

Garage Sale Saturday July 27, 2024, from 8am – 1pm (Rain or Shine)

  • Diana (Member) would like to put an ad out in the Northern Light and the Herald about the Sea Links Garage Sale on 7/27 from 8-1.
  • We would like to use road signs, arrows and cones to help with traffic for garage sale go-ers that day. Parking on one side and going one way – may facilitate the traffic.

New Business

  • All emails that were received for requests and any changes made for the resident’s home – were followed up by Myra and the Design committee.

Welcome Packet

  • We would like to update and make copies of a “Welcome Packet” for new residents. It would be helpful for them to know where to get the information on the website and what the CC&R’s are as well as the Rules & Regulations.
  • Donna (S) still has her packet from when she moved into Sea Links in 2019. She will share it with the Board, and they can update it for new residents.

Committee to update Governing Documents

  • We have a group consisting of 3 Board Members and a couple of residents to undergo making recommendations to the attorney to update the CC&R’s and the Rules & Regulations. Our attorney said that it will take over a year to update and bring it into this century.

Website Cleanup

  • Donna (S) will follow up to get the website cleaned up.

Adjournment of Meeting

  • Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 12th at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm. Diana (M) proposed and Donna (S) second it. All approved.