HOA Board Meeting minutes – May 13th, 2024, at 5:30 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum of 5 Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), and Diana Fisher (Member at Large), Christine Ordal (Treasurer)

Begin Meeting

  • Initial proof of notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website May 9, 2024.
  • Called to order at 5:40 pm – Myra (P) motioned it and Donna (S) second it.
  • 1 resident attended.

Meeting Minutes Approved 

  • We will approve minutes more quickly and post them sooner for residents to know what was talked about.

Treasurer Status Report and Cash Flow

  • Welcome New Treasurer – Christine Ordal (T) – for the interim. Until Oct 2024 when there will be 3 positions open on the Board. (VP, T & Member)
  • Michelle – she will give us the up-to-date financials soon. There are no past due notices this week.

Wedgewood Court Storm Drain

  • No new updates yet. Darrel (VP) will get the quote from Mike – as we would like the work done this summer before any more flooding in the fall.

Sawgrass Asphalt

  • NW Asphalt Repair was the last company that did our repairs. We can also see if they do any patches… as there may be some needed on North and East. Darrel (VP) will follow up to get a bid.
  • Sea Links Drive – the road coming in the front gate – we maintain 100% of the road.
  • May need to check the reserve study to look at the timeline for fixing the asphalt on the different roads.

New Build – Lot 13

  • No new news. Myra (P) will email the builder to let him know and remind him: of the regulations for build, get his plans, what he owes to start, and find out his timeline for starters. She will also remind him that he needs to keep the lot mowed.


  • The Newsletter went out reminding residents of possible violations (mostly in regard to the storage of garbage cans and recycle bins being visible from the street, and on street parking for longer than 24 hours).
  • The HOA will do another drive around and check on the list of violators. Those that are still not in compliance will get their 1st warning letter. 

Community Clean Up & BBQ – Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

  • Myra (P) will make a flyer (with all the info) for all residents regarding our upcoming “Community Clean Up and BBQ” on June 22nd. The Board each took a section of the neighborhood – so they could deliver the flyers to each house.
  • We will have a trailer for the clean-up and a place to dump the yard waste and yard clippings not far from here.
  • The BBQ will be in Wedgewood Ct and there will be hotdogs and chips served. Just bring a drink and a chair if you want. It will be a great time to mingle and meet your Sea Links neighbors.

Garage Sale Saturday July 27, 2024, from 8am – 1pm (Rain or Shine)

  • Diana (Member) would like to put an ad out in the Northern Light and the Herald about the Sea Links Garage Sale on 7/27 from 8-1.
  • We would like to use road signs, arrows and cones to help with traffic for garage sale go-ers that day. Parking on one side and going one way – may facilitate the traffic.

New Business

  • All emails that were received for requests and any changes made for the resident’s home – were followed up by Myra and the Design committee.

Welcome Packet

  • We would like to update and make copies of a “Welcome Packet” for new residents. It would be helpful for them to know where to get the information on the website and what the CC&R’s are as well as the Rules & Regulations.
  • Donna (S) still has her packet from when she moved into Sea Links in 2019. She will share it with the Board, and they can update it for new residents.

Committee to update Governing Documents

  • We have a group consisting of 3 Board Members and a couple of residents to undergo making recommendations to the attorney to update the CC&R’s and the Rules & Regulations. Our attorney said that it will take over a year to update and bring it into this century.

Website Cleanup

  • Donna (S) will follow up to get the website cleaned up.

Adjournment of Meeting

  • Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 12th at 5:45 pm – 7961 W Golf Course Dr.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm. Diana (M) proposed and Donna (S) second it. All approved.