1st Quarter 2024
I’m pleased to announce a full volunteer Board of Directors:
President- Myra Whiting
Vice President- Darrel Hildebrand
Treasurer- Pat Achey
Secretary- Donna Chavarro
Member at Large-Diana Fisher

Committee Chairperson’s have been assigned, but as you all know it takes a community to assist with all the work to ensure Sea Links continues as a pleasant place to live. We are looking for anyone who has skills or knowledge in building, architecture, website, or community involvement.

If anyone is interested, please email us at Sealinksboard@gmail.com.
Design Committee- Pat Achey
Maintenance Committee- Darrel Hilderbrand
Covenants- Pat Achey

The Board of Directors is responsible for upholding the CC&R’s along with contractors, volunteers and homeowners. Everyone can help by keeping yards neat and clear of debris and junk. Sweep the street in front of your homes. Pick up dog poop and the disposal bags, I’ve noticed bags being left on Sea Links Drive. Our commitment to our community is to address all homeowners’ concerns with a resolution that serves our community best, following the CC&R’s.

Quarterly I plan on providing an update on the Board of Director progress. I’ve listed a few things we are working on:
⦁ Mowing contract expires March 2024
⦁ Snowplow bids
⦁ Storm water drain and cleaning bids
⦁ Flagpole light removal
⦁ Front gate security camera bids

Future Project is to review and possibly update CC&R’s.
We are excited about serving our community and look forward to any suggestions you may have on how we can continue to make our neighborhood a great place to live.