We regularly hear concern expressed by community members on the free-for-all that seems to have developed at our main entrance, off Sea Links Drive. Concerns vary, but most residents are concerned with motorists not stopping before entering the intersection; and with the very real risk such behavior presents to pedestrians, children and other motorists.

An unscientific survey suggests that the majority of Sea Links residents approach the intersection with caution and consideration. But multiple independent accounts confirm that a handful of regular commuters don’t care who their sloppy driving habits endanger: They’re determined to sail through the stop sign at Sea Links drive, cut the corner (esp. northbound) and then…’damn the torpedoes’. Pedestrians on North have had to scramble for their safety. This cannot continue.

Is this a significant concern for you? We want to hear from you. Feel free to share your thoughts, in confidence, on the Sea Links website Contact page. There are steps we can take to make things better. We’d like your support to do so.