Restoration of grass at the back gate

The building construction company sends it apology to the Sea Links Community for damaging the grass near the back gate.

“They have taken 100% responsibility and are going to repair the damage to our satisfaction,” said SLCA President, Mr. Joe Black. They provided a temporary repair on the same day as the damage. They were bringing in big trusses for a home construction project on South Golf Course Drive.

The SLCA Board of Directors appreciates the construction company for taking full responsibility and willingness to work with the community for full restoration of the grass at the back gate.

Jane Mauk, SLCA Secretary

2019 Sea Links Community Association Quarterly Board of Directors meetings notice

The Sea Links Board of Directors will be meeting at 4 (four)  quarterly meetings in 2019.

We wanted to share our dates, location and times with our association members!

Each meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. at the Birch Bay Bible Community Church (4460 Bay Rd.  Blaine, Wa. 98230)


January 17, 2019

April 18, 2019

July 18, 2019

October 17, 2019

All meetings are open to our members! We will be posting a reminder notice and an agenda at least 7 days before each quarterly meeting.  We will be following Roberts Rules of Order at our meetings.

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!

Jane Mauk

Secretary, SLCA


New Sea Links Board of Director Officers, 2018-2019 Term

We are pleased to announce a new Sea Links Community Association (SLCA)  Board of Director was added to the Board,  Ms. Jane Mauk, as Secretary and Agent of Record. Ms. Mauk was voted in unanimously at the Dec. 8, 2018 Annual SLCA Member’s Meeting.

We are pleased to announce the following new SLCA Board of Directors for 2018-2019 in their new positions effective December 8, 2018,  for their one year term into 2019.

President, Joe Black

V.P. James Danger

Secretary/Agent of Record, Jane Mauk

Treasurer, Steve Skannes

Member at Large, Kelly Elford

We look forward to serving you on the Sea Links Community Association Board of Directors.

Submitted by,

Jane Mauk

SLCA Secretary



Warning of Bats

Please be advised that a homeowner was recently bitten by a bat. The bat was tested and was found to be rabid and the homeowner is currently undergoing treatment. Please make sure to check your property for any bats or other animals that are not wanted. Please see the attached link for ways to check and remove bats from your home We would also like to remind members that racoons and other animals have been seen rummaging through trash cans in the neighbourhood so remember to properly store all waste.

Board of Directors Meetings

The Sea Links board of directors has scheduled board meetings every second Thursday of the month at 7pm. These meetings will be held in the conference room of the new Blaine visitor centre set to open later this summer and any member wishing to attend is invited. In the meantime meetings will be held as possible with a time and location still to be determined.

New Member Needed for the Board of Directors

Ray Huff as tendered his resignation from the board of directors. We would like to sincerely thank Ray for all of his service to our little community. Ray has been a valued member of the board and his wisdom and willingness to help out will be greatly missed. Unfortunately we must move on and a new board member will need to be voted in. Please contact the board if you would like to be considered for the open position.
