Volunteers needed August 5, 2023

As many of you may be aware a tribute to the Mt. Baker Blues Festival will be held on August 5th starting at 11am in the “Festival Area” behind CJ’s Beachhouse/Beach Bar/Beach Cat Brewing/WorldMark. We are asking for volunteers to assist at the lower gate/bridge area to make sure we don’t have any overflow or unwanted visitors in our community. Please send an email to the board if you are interested in volunteering some time. Sealinksboard@gmail.com. Pat Achey the HOA Treasurer will be heading up the volunteers. 


March 9, 2023 BOD Meeting


March 9, 2023

START – 6:03pm 3/9/2023

Board Members in attendance: Karla Savage (P), Pat Achey (T),Tamara Addis (S), Shannon Dunn (MAL).

Board Members not in attendance: James Danger (VP)

Proof of Notice and Determination of Quorum (4.8.7; 5.2.4; 5/2/5)

There will be a Board Meeting on March 9, 2023 at 6:00pm at the residence of Karla Savage, 7909 West Golf Course Dr.

■ Posted: March 6, 2023in BOD Meeting Notices & Community

○ Motion to Move to relaxed rules of order (Roberts Rules – 4.8.8)

■ President Karla Savage(P)ions for relaxed Roberts Rules as always, Tamara Addis (S)seconds the motion.

Approval of Agenda (4.8.7)

○ Agenda approved by entire BOD

Approval of Minutes from last meeting (4.8.7)

○ minutes approved by entire BOD

  • Karla does brief introductions to the 2 homeowners in attendance and motions to go into closed executive session and all attendees were dismissed, entire board votes yes to enter into executive session at 6:08pm.
  • Private matter discussed in executive session until 6:15pm and the excutive session is adjourned.
  • Meeting is reopened to all attendees at 6:16pm

○ Reports of Board, Officers & Committees

○ CC&R (5.2.7)

  • Tamara Addis
  • Nothing to report at this time

○ Finance & Maintenance

■ Pat Achey (T), Tamara Addis (S)

  • Reserve Study was scheduled with Joel Tax and Completed on March 9th. Invoice reviewed by the BOD and approved to be sent to Nissen Acct. for payment
  • Past due HOA invoice/ letters sent out by Nissen accounting. 
  • Pat Achey has been add as a new signer on the Sea Links Accounts.
  • Discussion on the remaining speed bumps that need to be painted, Karla to reach out to NW Ashphalt.

■ New Business

  • Snow removal services were discussed. Karla met with Blueline on TueBday, March 7th and drove entire neighborhood to see if they could meet the community needs.
  • Mt. Baker Blues Festival is being advertised to happen on the golf course property in August 2023. This is strictly against the rules for use stated in the CC&R’s.
  • The CC&R’s are very clear the golf course can be utilized as a functioning golf course or a green space and for no other commercial purpose.
  • The BOD is very concerned with having 1000 people at the mouth of our community. Where will they park, dispose of trash, beer garden, loud music. Do they have permits, are they following the laws to host such an event?
  • The BOD has many questions for RHINO Development (Owners of the Golf Course)who volunteered use of the golf course. Tamara will reach out to Assocation Attorney Greg Thulin to have letter sent to RHINO regarding the permitted use of the Sea Links Golf Course.

  ■ Close Meeting – Motion to adjourn made by Karla Savage (P)seconded by Pat Achey (T) 3/9/2023 7:12pm.

Speed Bump/Road Painting 5/26/2023

NW Asphalt just notified the board that they will be in our neighborhood tomorrow finishing the speed bump painting and removing the paint that was previously driven through.  Please be cautious around wet paint and coned off areas. 

Thank you for your patience as we try to wrap up this project.

Sea Links Board of Directors 


Update on Front Gate


Gateway Controls was able to come out yesterday afternoon to assess the issues we are having with the front gate remaining open for long periods of time and they were able to determine that the ground loop car sensor is going out. They need to order a replacement part and are looking at working us into their schedule in the next few weeks.  We will keep you updated on a repair date once that has been established. 

Front Gate

4/4/2023 We are experiencing some issues with the main front access gate. We have reached out to Gateway Controls to have the issues resolved and are currently waiting to hear back as to when they are available.