When: May 8, 2020 @ 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: 7506 Gemini Street, Blaine, WA
Anticipated to have sufficient space for social distancing. Masks required.
When: May 8, 2020 @ 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: 7506 Gemini Street, Blaine, WA
Anticipated to have sufficient space for social distancing. Masks required.
We would like to wish every member a Happy Holidays and hope that you all are having a wonderful time this holiday season.
We would also like to remind everybody to have their ballots for the various items filled out and mailed by the 31st. Ballots can be mailed directly to the HOA:
Sea Links Community Association 4550 Birch Bay Lynden Road PMB 1190 Blaine Wa, 98230
or scanned and emailed to:
Once all the ballots are in and counted a final announcement will be sent with the results.
Thank you and have a great end to the year.
Sea Links Board
All community members have recently received 2 different mailings.
The first mailing was a board approved mailing explaining the needed changes due to Covid-19 and asked for people to come forward to volunteer for election to the Board of Directors. This mailing was to help community members understand the difficulty the board is facing regarding in person meetings and to offer up a legal solution regarding voting for future board committee members and the upcoming revised annual general meeting. The cancelation of the in person AGM and the decision to not hold a zoom style meeting were taken after many discussions and following legal counsel from the association attorney. This mailing was an approved letter from the board of directors and is in line with the guidelines of the CC&R’s.
A second mailing, sent by a homeowner in the community, was not approved or sent from the Board of Directors. The mailing seeks to undermine the legitimate process of voting for Board members as outlined in our governing documents. Worse, their actions exposed Sea Links to additional charges, as they are using Birch Bay Tax and Accounting as their personal mail stop and secretary. Birch Bay Tax and Accounting is the Sea Links accountant, they are not a post office box, and they are not the Sea Links secretary.
While it is completely within their rights to contact other members of the community regarding changes to the bylaws, the Board has been approached by many within the community who have expressed anger and frustration at receiving their mailing. Especially as they make many accusations which are either false or misleading. We encourage all homeowners to voice their opinion; however, homeowners are under no obligation whatsoever to respond to a mailing from a individual member. Additionally any costs to the community will be billed directly to them for payment, as they have no authority to bind the Board, or have the community pay for their personal grievances.
We look forward to sending out the Annual notices this coming week. Inside, there will be information on the budget and several items to vote on related to the budget. We will also send out a voter pamphlet to give all homeowners information on those who have expressed interest in serving on the board, enabling all homeowners to make an informed decision of who gets to serve Sea Links.
Should you have any questions or would like to still submit for consideration as part of the board please email us at sealinksboard@gmail.com or contact a Board member. We are happy to respond to any questions you may have.
Sea Links President
Joe Black
November 20th, 2020
Dear Homeowners of Sea Links:
Due to clerical errors with the mail out recently sent out to members we have extended the deadline for the nominees regarding the open board positions. We had planned for the information to be mailed on Nov 1st and due to circumstances outside of the boards control the mail out was delayed. The board tried to coordinate a new date and mailing and unfortunately a clerical error resulted in the document having incorrect dates.
Due to this error we are extending the deadline for submissions to Nov. 29th and nominees for consideration can be mailed or emailed to the board up until that point. We have also adjusted the original mailing and it can be found below:
Dear Sea links members,
Due to the ongoing issues surrounding the Covid 19 pandemic the Sea links AGM (annual general meeting) will not be able to happen as per years past. The board of directors has been in discussion with our state representatives as well as legal council on how to move forward with the AGM during these difficult times. We have been advised that an in person meeting is completely forbidden and a zoom style meeting would require a change in our bylaws of which would be an almost impossible task. This along with the many members who don’t have access to Zoom along with the technical difficulties surrounding a zoom meeting, we have been advised that we should move forward with the following meeting in lieu of an in person meeting:
1 – We will be requesting that any member wishing to be part of the board of directors submits their names for consideration. There are currently 2 open spots that need filled immediately. The board positions are as follows:
Position 1 – open (1 year term remaining)
Position 2 – open
Position 3 – Joe Black (1 year remaining)
Position 4 – open
Position 5 – Steve Skannes (1 year remaining)
The term for Positions 2 and 4 have expired and need to be filled, Position 1 is also up for re election as the board member filling that position voluntarily resigned and there is 1 year left on the term. Please email any considerations to the board sealinksboard@gmail.com by Nov 29th, 2020
2 – Once we have the name of those wishing to help serve we will send out mail in ballots for voting. The ballots will be returned to Birch Bay Tax & Accounting for tallying and will be reviewed by the board of directors once completed.
3 – All of the information that would normally be distributed as part of the AGM will be mailed out to all members ie; yearly financial statements, proposed budget for 2021, letter from president etc. these would all arrive in the same package with mail in ballots. This mail out will hopefully go out the first week of December.
4 – Once the mail in ballots have been reviewed and approved a final mailing will be sent out to all members with the results. The new board members along with any changes to the structure of the board will be in effect starting Jan 1st.
We appreciate patience and understanding in this matter as we are all striving to make the best of such uncertain times. We would encourage those who have not served in the past to please put their names forward as this is a community responsibility and it would be great to have new faces and ideas on the board.
Sea Links Board
Meeting will be held in the backyard of board member Steve Skannes with ample social distancing. FACE MASK REQUIRED!
4763 N. Golf Course Drive
Premier agenda item will be a presentation with Q and A from the firm repaving West Golf Course Drive and a portion of North Golf Course Drive. Repaving is scheduled to begin August 18th, so come to the meeting to get all pertinent information.
**In case of rain, meeting will be Wed.**
There are newly painted markings on the road along WGCD and a portion of NGCD. These were placed by the paving contractor for the purpose of letting utility companies mark where their lines are located under the road. This is just being safe for all of us and the contractors. It takes a lot of pre-planning before the actual paving starts.
Soon we will receive their schedule and safety priorities for all of us. I will pass things along as I get them.
Steve Skannes, Maintenance Committee
I would like to thank all those volunteers who help with mowing on the golf course. Keeping the golf course tidy is a huge undertaking for our HOA. These are the names of folks I know have been working to keep the grass in check; sorry I don’t know the last names but I’m sure most of you know these guys:
Chris | Dale | Michael | Richard | Leon |
A recurring annoyance that mowers have to deal with is dog poop: Please, if you walk your dog on the golf course be sure to pick up after them.
I will try to have a meeting with the fire department to get ideas on safety questions like how much of a ‘buffer zone’ a homeowner should have for fire safety behind their home. It is up to homeowners to mow if they want that safety zone behind their home. As with prior boards, we have made attempts to contact Chen Holdings, and have not received any response.
Paving on WGCD was held up due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On June 13th I received a call from our selected contractor reporting that they are now working to get caught up. Soon we will be delivering a letter handout to all WGCD and Wedgewood CT homeowners, supplying details of the project plan.
Parking is always an issue during road work. Residents of WGCD may want to park on NGCD or SGCD until the project is finished. Parking outside the rear or front gates is also worth considering. Please be courteous in finding temporary parking. Estimated project duration is 7 days.
I will do my best to answer any questions you might have. You can reach me, Steve, at 907-738-7619.