“Tsunami Hazards in Whatcom County” (virtual briefing)

The Whatcom Marine Resources Committee (MRC) and the Whatcom Watershed Information Network will be hosting a public speaker series event via Zoom on Thursday June 4, from 5-6 pm. Additional information on the MRC homepage, https://www.whatcomcountymrc.org/.

“Learn about the latest tsunami model and historic tsunami deposits in the North Sound Area.”

Some of you might already have seen this announcement in Kathy Berg’s excellent Birch Bay Info newsletter, but I judged the opportunity valuable enough to warrant sharing within the Sea Links community.

Your neighbor,
Brian Bell

Q2 Meeting Delayed & Good Deeds

The Sea Links Board of Directors meeting originally scheduled for June 18th is hereby postponed. This regrettable action is being taken:

  • in response to Washington State restrictions placing limits on group assembly
  • because our planned meeting place will be unavailable until at least July

It’s our intent to reschedule this meeting – which is mandated by Sea Links bylaws – as early as circumstances permit. Once a new date has been selected it will be published here.

We appreciate your understanding in these challenging times and hope this delay does not inconvenience you unduly. If you’d like to share your thoughts on meeting alternatives (e.g., try ‘virtual’ format?) please do so via the Contact Us page.

Neighborly Nominations

I’m sure from time to time you’ve all noticed Residents out doing things that make our Community a better place. From sweeping debris away from roadside drains to prevent flooding, to mowing unattended lawns, to clearing a neighbor’s driveway of snow, these actions all contribute to making Sea Links a better place to live!

If you’d like to nominate someone in particular for their positive actions, please send us their name and a few words describing how they helped out. Our plan is to collect these submissions and arrange a simple Thank You! recognition.

Stay Safe!

Buzz + Lightspeed = Injuries

Coronavirus or no Coronavirus, it’s yard maintenance season again: Healthy grass waits for no man – and very few women.

Unfortunately, today we received a report from the contractor cutting the grass on Sea Links Dr. that some folks are driving without due care and attention, putting the lives of the work team at risk. There’s been one near miss already, and we sure don’t want another!

Please drive responsibly on that stretch, following these simple rules:

  • Always hold your speed down to the posted 25 MPH speed limit.
  • Pay special attention when you see traffic cones and vehicles parked at the side of the road.
  • Be on the lookout for workers, and give them a ‘brake’!

Thanks in advance!

Recycled News

It seems about half our community didn’t get their recycling picked up by SSC yesterday. This isn’t an HOA issue, but we thought you’d like to know that SSC was called this morning and said they’re going to send the pickup driver back today.

Bottom line: You can leave your recycle bins out again today if they were inadvertently missed yesterday.

Stay safe and be well.

Thanks to excellent neighbor Richard Drath for this timely tip!

SLCA Board: 2020 Meetings

The Board of Directors serving Sea Links Community Association will hold four (quarterly) meetings this year. The following dates have been confirmed by Joe Black, President:

Meeting Designation Planned Date
Quarter 1 March 12
Quarter 2 June 18
Quarter 3 September 17
General Meeting October 24
Quarter 4 December 3

The above dates should now appear in the calendar on the Sea Links website.

All meetings are open to Association members. Our goal is to post a reminder notice and an agenda a few days before each quarterly meeting.  Sea Links Board meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

Earlier Meeting Time!

Starting this year, meetings will be gaveled to order at 6:30 PM, 30 minutes earlier than past practice. This change was made to give us time to tidy up the meeting room before the church closes up at nine o’clock.

Same Excellent Location

Birch Bay Bible Community Church (4460 Bay Rd.  Blaine, WA. 98230)

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings, starting with the Quarter 1 meeting this Thursday, March 12th.

Signs of the Times

Unless you don’t get out much, by now you’ll have noticed that the stop signs you requested are now in place: One each at the eastbound and westbound approaches to the main entrance off North Golf Course Drive, and another at the intersection with Birch Bay Lynden Rd.

Several have written to express their appreciation for these additions, which were undertaken in large part based on your concerns and feedback to recent posts to this website. Please keep it up: If you can suggest changes that might make life better for us all, let us know. Even better, if you’re willing to volunteer to help Steve and his all-volunteer Maintenance cohort keep our streets and gates clean, tidy and safe then consider giving him a call at the number listed for him on the Board’s contact page.

Your Sea Links Board

Ray’s Hopes

Our friend and former neighbor Ray Huff is now out of the hospital following double bypass heart surgery, but he’s not yet out of the woods. Shirley Sell has been keeping many of us in touch with Ray’s kids in this difficult period, and I know she’d be happy to fill you in on the latest if you give her a call.

We continue to wish Ray our best.

Driving Safety: What You Told Us

I’m writing this to thank all those who took the time to share their thoughts on the role stop signs play in making driving (and walking) in our community safer; and also to summarize what you said.

Firstly, of six written and two verbal responses, no one thought we have too many stop signs. A few expressed skepticism that adding new signs would automatically result in safer driving behavior, but most agreed that enforcement is a separable concern; that without clear, visible markers at key intersections, monitoring and enforcement aren’t even feasible.

Some folks broadened the scope of the original post to include the stop sign at Birch bay Lynden Rd. (should be replaced) and the stop sign at the back gate (too often ignored). Others stressed the need to enforce the existing, well-posted 20 MPH speed limit – notably on the east side of North Golf Course Dr. One person suggested repainting the stop lines (and the “STOP” word) in lieu of new signs.

Based on this feedback a near-term plan has been developed to improve the stop sign situation, both at the front entrance and at BBL Rd. Stay tuned for more detailed information on this plan, expected next week.

Ray Huff Hospitalized

As final note, our dear friend and former neighbor Ray Huff has been admitted to Salem Deaconess Hospital for treatment following an apparent heart attack. For many years before moving to Oregon to live with his family, Ray was tireless and always cheerful in making contributions to our little community. Our thoughts are with Ray, as are our hopes for his rapid recovery following surgery.

Not stopping…who cares?

We regularly hear concern expressed by community members on the free-for-all that seems to have developed at our main entrance, off Sea Links Drive. Concerns vary, but most residents are concerned with motorists not stopping before entering the intersection; and with the very real risk such behavior presents to pedestrians, children and other motorists.

An unscientific survey suggests that the majority of Sea Links residents approach the intersection with caution and consideration. But multiple independent accounts confirm that a handful of regular commuters don’t care who their sloppy driving habits endanger: They’re determined to sail through the stop sign at Sea Links drive, cut the corner (esp. northbound) and then…’damn the torpedoes’. Pedestrians on North have had to scramble for their safety. This cannot continue.

Is this a significant concern for you? We want to hear from you. Feel free to share your thoughts, in confidence, on the Sea Links website Contact page. There are steps we can take to make things better. We’d like your support to do so.

Forecast: Brief Snowfall

While Birch Bay was beautiful and sunny for much of today (Monday), Weather Underground is predicting a small chance of snowfall starting early tomorrow and tailing off toward dinner time. What we actually get will depend on a swing of just a few degrees of air temperature either way, and of course the timing of any precipitation.

Since there’s a clear trend toward warmer temperatures for at least the balance of the week, we’re not planning to call in the snowplow for such a brief event. Once the precipitation turns to rain, the whole slushy mess should be gone within a few hours.

Just a heads up from your diligent and frugal Maintenance Committee!

Little Green Flags?

No, it isn’t St. Patrick’s Day yet!

The little green flags you’ve reported seeing scattered along our roadway, labeled “H.D. FOWLER CO.”, were placed by our new snow plow contractor (Evergreen Coast) to reduce the risk of inadvertent damage in any future plowing:

Here’s what they look like…

We’re obviously pleased that our contractor is exercising this level of preventive care with your property. Who knows, it could snow again!