Sea Links HOA 1st Quarterly Meeting Minutes 1.13.24

Start – 8:00 am 1.13.24

Board Members in Attendance / Quorum Established: Myra Whiting (President), Darrel Hildebrand (Vice President), Donna Chavarro (Secretary), Pat Achey (Treasurer) DIana Fisher (Member at Large)

Proof of Notice of Meeting

  • Initial notice of meeting posted on Sea Links website January 6, 2023. 

Board Expectations and Responsibilities:

  1. Look over and read the Board of Directors Operating Principles (revised Oct 2016) for next meeting.
  2. Be kind. Respectful. Timely. (try to reply to emails within 72 hours)
  3. Will discuss at next meeting the management duties by month (from 1999)

Committee Assignment: 

(should send out an email to see if any of the residents would like to serve on one of the three committees)

  1. Design / Control: (new roofs, lawnscaping, new paint colors)
    1. Pat – lead, Darrel, Diana
  2. Maintenance: (gates, lawns, empty lots, contracts)
    1. Darrel – lead, Pat, Diana
  3. Covenants: (appearance of lawns, weeds, need to drive around the neighborhood, any infractions – go as 2 Board Members together)
    1. Pat – lead, Diana, Darrel 

Treasurer Report (Pat) : 

  1. CD was renewed at 5 ¼ % for 14 months.
  2. Money is coming in as dues are being paid. Notices were sent out in January.
  3. Board approved to pay Pat the mileage from St Joseph’s hospital in Bellingham to Sea Links – when he drove here to open the gates due to inclement weather and ice. Paid him from the petty fund a total of $25.46 ( $0.67 / mile) leaving $164.77 in petty cash.

Secretary Report (Donna)

  1. Went over the emails received to the SeaLinksBoard@gmail and what to do with them and how to respond to them. Forward to the group those that need to be voted on or discussed at the next meeting.
  2. I will have the contact list. Asked where to find an official contact list for Sea Links – will it need to be updated?

Bank Signing:

  1. Myra and Donna will need to go to Banner Bank in Blaine to sign as the new Board President and Secretary (they emailed their paperwork to Nancy Stall)

Mailbox and Storage Change 

  1. Pat will need to update the names at the storage/mailbox to Myra’s and Donna’s names (and remove Karla’s and Tamara’s namesMyra will check and pick up the mail when she heads home.

Flag Update

  1. We will continue with the rule that we only fly the US flag in Sea Links. If we open it to other countries – it will be too hard to control or police and that is not our job. 
  2. Myra checked with Birch Bay Village on their stand on flying flags.
  3. Myra is going to investigate further with Semiahmoo and the new development on H Street in Blaine to see what their positions (policies) are as well.
  4. Regarding the flag rule – the attorney sent out the latest legal opinion letter in November.
  5. Also discussed fines – past and present with homeowners.

AUD Rental Update:

  1. It is out of our hands. It is in our attorney’s hands and they are handling it.

Front Gate Flagpole Light

  1. There is a camera on the flag pole – would like to look into putting a new camera with an app for surveillance and security. What would the costs be? 
  2. Need to get an electrician out to disconnect the light on the flagpole.
  3. Keys to the front and lower gates will be with Darrel and Pat.

Mowing Contract:

  1. We use Birch Bay Lawns right now – but the contract is up in March. We need to see what our contract covers right now: $485 / mo. for 12 mos. Coming bi-weekly?
  2. We may need to add to the contract – the trees at the front gate – they have a lot of brown on them – they need to be trimmed and the brown cut out.
  3. We may need an arborist to come out to check if they have a fungus – and if they all need to be removed.

Design Request – Drainage

  1. Discussed Joel’s drainage request. Donna will email him.
  2. Darrel will look into the drain cleaning and flushing. $$ We need to pump/clean out our drains in the neighborhood.
  3. Need to see where water goes on West GC as there is only 1 drain there.

Quarterly Newsletter:

  1. We can add it to the website
  2. It can let residents know what was addressed at the meetings
  3. It can also be a great reminder for residents


  1. Snow plowing:
    1.  need to get some quotes from companies that can come to service Sea Links. They need to be reminded that we have speed bumps also.
    2. Myra had the names of a couple of plow companies that we can check with for quotes
    3. Need to also decide where they can dump the snow…if they do not have a place.
  2. We do have some office supplies: stamps, envelopes, etc.
  3. Who will have the gate remotes –  they are $50 each. Once a resident returns them – they get their $50 refunded. Need to check with the Accountant. Does the Maintenance Committee take care of them?
  4. Reminders – friendly reminders go out this Spring.

Next Meeting:

  1. Can we stop entrance gate codes? ALL CABLE van put marks on ground and there was digging at 7929 address 
  2. Pat – investigate with Whatcom. He will check on the golf course property – if Whatcom takes off the taxes (it is taxable right now) – basically does not charge us for the property taxes – we could buy and take over that portion of the land. Cannot build on that land as it is an animal sanctuary – mostly wetlands. We could have a community garden? Common area? 
  3. Changes to bi-laws and Covenants.
  4. Next meeting will be at Myra’s house on Monday March 4th at 5:30 pm.

Close Meeting – Motion to adjourn made by Myra Whiting, 2nd by Pat Achey at 10:30 am